Page 20 of Fabricated

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Branson’s arm grabs my waist as he pulls me back. We go stumbling to the ground, him bracing himself on top of me.

“Damn it, Rayne!” He stares down at me. There is a wild look in his eyes I have never seen. Something raw and haunted. “Next time I tell you to stop moving, fucking do it. You could have died.” He shakes above me.

My hands touch his face, trying to dim the raw fear in his eyes, to ease the tremble of his body. He closes his eyes, his face scrunching with undiluted fear. “I’m okay,” I whisper.

He sighs, bringing his forehead to mine. “Never do anything like that again.”

“Promise,” I whisper.

* * *

‘Activities’ turn out to be party games. Branson and I are currently kicking Tucker’s and Emerald’s asses at beer pong.

“No, babe,” Tucker groans. “We want to make it in the cup. Not behind them.”

Emerald frowns. “I’m trying, Tuck. This is hard, okay?”

I hide my smile behind my glass. This is the champion round. We’ve beaten everyone but these two.

“Tuck, there’s like thirty cups there. I swear, I’m making it every time.” Emerald tips to the side a little. She is so wasted she can barely keep herself up.

I try not to look at the cameras, but being a bit tipsy adds to the challenge of ignoring them. They are so close for some reason.

“Hey, Em, how about another shot?” Branson grins at a scowling Tucker.

“How about you leave my partner alone. Listen, baby,” Tucker turns back to Emerald, “I know that’s your brother, but he’s the enemy right now, okay? So, focus on me.” She looks up to him with a dreamy smile.

“He better not be banging my sister,” Branson says under his breath.

Tucker winks at him.

I laugh harder. Emerald shoots the ball and claps. It misses but she swears she made it.

“All right, Darling, we have one more cup. You make it in and I’ll give you an orgasm.”

I gag. “Pass.”

Shooting the ball, it sails in, splashing. I jump onto Branson's back—it took several attempts to getme up there, but we managed.I throw my hands in the air, waving them around as I cheer, loudly. Some might say it’s poor sportsmanship, I’d say they’re sore losers. “Suck that, Tucker!” I scream.

“Wow, Strawberry.” Tucker puts a hand to his heart.

“You know I love you.” I wink. Tucker grins, hooking his arm around Emerald.

* * *

“Okay, Never Have I Ever time.” Josefina laughs as we gather around the campfire. I’m sitting between Branson’s legs, Tucker and Emerald next to us.

Fallen trees had been carved into benches. The smooth sanded-down seats appalled me. We are camping, for fuck’s sake. There is no way we just happened to find these. Sober me would have appreciated them, but tipsy me is offended by them for some reason.

“Ready to lose, Strawberry? Because I’m a saint,” Tucker says, sitting on the smooth wood I refuse to enjoy, nudging me with his foot.

“I highly doubt that.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Me first,” Josefina says, holding up ten fingers. “Never have I ever slept with two women at the same time.” Not sure why she is holding up fingers when we are drinking, but whatever.

“Ouch, love. Coming in for the kill,” Dante says, taking a drink.

Kalisha looks away as she takes a drink. I smirk.

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