Page 93 of Debt of Loyalty

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The one thing I’d learned in my years of existence was that men were stubborn as hell. They didn’t need directions. They refused to ask for help. They never admitted they were wrong. The man of my dreams was no exception. He was hardheaded enough that unless I’d taken a chance of pissing him off, he’d never be whole.

I’d been so proud of him when he’d told me he’d met his godson, even setting up a college fund, but he hadn’t been able to make amends with his brother. Why? Because they were two hot-blooded men. It was time a woman intervened before we were old and gray.

I smiled at the thought, rehearsing what I’d say to him for the fifth time. He was the suspicious type, so I had to be careful.

He’d given me a huge opportunity to make amends with my parents. We’d never be Hallmark material, but I’d talked on the phone to my mother more in the last few days than I had ever before. Maybe one day we’d even be close.

I found him spearfishing and hung out on the bridge for a few seconds before clearing my throat. The puppy was happy to see him as always, clamoring around his feet. “I thought I’d make a run to the farm and grab the steaks Jameson mentioned. I have a hankering for a blood-rare piece of meat.”

He yanked off his sunglasses, eyeing me carefully. “You do, huh?” His grin was as mischievous as the man had become in a few short days.

All the filthy thoughts he was mulling over I could read easily. “You are so bad.”

“Mmm… I think a little mud wrestling is in order later.”

“Very funny. I’ll be right back.”

“Uh-huh. Why do I have a feeling you’re up to something?”

“Who, me? Take care of MacGyver while I’m gone.”

He stared at me with an incredulous expression on his face. “MacGyver. I like that.”

“He’s rough and tumble, unlike some guy I know.” I laughed as he tried to splash me with water. Then I blew him a kiss and scampered away before he asked me any additional questions.

I’d managed to contact Jameson before returning to the island, and I’d almost gotten caught doing it. Without his help, I wouldn’t have been able to make the surprise happen. Even now, I wasn’t entirely certain my invitation had been accepted, but I chose to hope that it would all work out.

As I headed through the jungle, I took several deep breaths. The last few months had been some of the worst and the best in my life. It was expected that Castillo would be found guilty, which was a comfort. His entire organization had been disbanded, his soldiers doing everything they could to avoid prosecution.

I’d finally asked my mother what had happened between the two of them. I never knew my parents had been separated for almost a year early in their marriage. She’d met Castillo at a conference, enjoying his company. While she’d known about his reputation, she’d found him attractive. Only when they’d accidentally met again had she succumbed to her desire. Shortly after that, my parents had reconciled, but she’d made the mistake of sharing the possible news to a friend who’d later betrayed her to Castillo after being threatened.

That had set the entire kidnapping in motion after my mother had been asked to work with the DEA. He’d already threatened her by then.

There were details that I hadn’t asked and in truth, I didn’t need to know about. I was ready to move on with my life. I only hoped this was the missing piece Santiago needed as well.

True to what Jameson had told me, the helicopter touched down on time, supplies being brought in for the farm.

I waited, unable to see if everything had worked out. Then when a lone male stepped off the chopper, I found myself walking closer. By the time he got to within a few feet, I was shocked at the resemblance.

“Manuel?” I asked.

He studied me for a full minute before walking closer. “You must be Willow.”

I wasn’t certain how to act, but I went with my gut and gave him a friendly hug. He was shocked at first, then returned the gesture.

When I pulled away, I could see an injured soul behind his chocolate brown eyes.

“I’m so glad you came.”

“I wish I could say the same, but you’re a hard woman to ignore or say no to.” At least he offered a slight smile.

“He needs you in his life like you need him.”

Manuel half laughed. “I guess we’ll see.”

“Come on. I hope you enjoy a little bit rugged.”
