Page 72 of Debt of Loyalty

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A part of me wanted to tear myself away, but if I did, I wouldn’t have a chance to see Santiago. I called out to him in my mind, praying that he would survive whatever horrors my refusal to comply had brought him.

I was led down several hallways and out a side door, pulled like a ragdoll to a series of smaller buildings, all made of concrete block. The closer he dragged me, the more my mind conjured up the purpose of the buildings. Then I heard a man’s scream. Oh, my God.

I managed to break free, racing toward the sound. Within seconds, armed soldiers appeared out of nowhere. Stopping short, I contemplated where I could go. I was shaking all over, unable to think clearly. Another scream echoed in my ears, and I slapped my hands over them. This just couldn’t be happening.

Very calmly Castillo appeared by my side, not bothering to look at me.

“I take my business very seriously, Willow. That’s what allows me to sleep at night, knowing that no one will attempt to take what doesn’t belong to them. It is very unfortunate when people I once trusted betray me. I issue harsh punishments as you will soon learn, but for those who abide by my rules, I’m quite generous.”

“And that makes what you do okay? You’re out of your mind. I will kill you if you hurt Viper. I swear to God I will find a way.”

As he’d done before, he laughed. “I find it amusing that the man of the hour said the very same thing about you. Come. It’s time for you two to reconnect.” He snapped his hand around my arm, jerking me toward one of the buildings in the rear. When he opened the door, I was taken aback by the disgusting stench of blood and feces as well as the sweltering heat. I pressed my hand against my mouth until my eyes settled on Viper.

Santiago was positioned on his knees, a thick piece of four by four behind his neck his arms curled around it, both secured with leather straps. His shirt had been ripped away, exposing dried blood caked on his shoulder from where he’d been shot. I wanted nothing more than to rush to him, to fall on my knees and beg for mercy, but that’s not what Santiago would want. He’d been beaten, blood trickling down the sides of his mouth, his breathing rapid.

“You fucking asshole,” I half whispered.

“You have company, soldier,” Castillo snarled as he pushed me closer.

Santiago lifted his head, immediately fighting with his restraints. He darted his venom-filled eyes from Castillo to mine, his entire face softening. There were so many things that needed to be said between us, words I’d never had a chance to say. I’d never really thanked him for rescuing me, risking his life when he could have walked away. I’d never told him how much I loved hearing his laugh, even though it was rare, or the way his eyes lit up when he smiled. I never really expressed the joy he’d given me from the simplest things, or the passion he’d evoked when I’d done everything I could to close myself off.

And I’d never told him I loved him.

“Leave. Her. Alone,” he hissed.

“I have no intention of touching her, but she needs to learn a lesson. She’s going to watch as you receive your punishment.”

I watched in horror as one of the soldiers entered the room carrying a bullwhip.

“No!” I screeched, racing in front of Santiago, dropping to my knees. “Don’t you dare touch him. It’s me you want. I’ll be your compliant good girl if you promise never to hurt him.”

“It’s okay, baby,” he whispered. “I’m coming for you.”

As one of the other guards moved closer, Castillo waved his hand, keeping them away. “You do realize what you’re promising me.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’ll be your fucking perfect doll if you’ll leave him alone.” There was something off about the monster, but the way he was deciding what to do terrified me.

“Language!” he snapped before rubbing his jaw. “Who is he?”

“I don’t know who he is. He works for a private security group who was hired to rescue me. That’s all I know.” The partial lie was the only thing I could think of. My heart raced as the bastard continued to debate my lover’s fate. I closed my eyes, the anger welling inside of me reaching a point that I wasn’t certain I could control it any longer.

“Don’t,” Santiago hissed, and I wasn’t certain if he was really angry with me. At this point I had to do something.

“You will tell me everything you know. How you got to that island and who he talked with.” When I remained quiet, he laughed. “You really thought I couldn’t find you. You made a mistake by contacting your mother. That’s all I needed. Now you see that there is nowhere you can run and hide. Answer me!”

I shuddered, no longer able to keep tears from falling. “I don’t know anything else. Nothing.” I used what was left of my energy to try to sound convincing.

Castillo’s expression softened. “I only want what’s best for you, my sweet Willow. One day you’ll come to realize that. I will grant you this gift, but if you defy me again, the penance he receives will be ten times harsher. Take her back to the house and stay with her. I want a few minutes alone with our guest.”

The best for me. How many times had I heard that in life from my insufferable mother? This couldn’t be happening. This just…

All I could do was nod. As I turned my head, I pressed my hand against Santiago’s cheek. Then I mouthed the words I’d longed to say to him under the light of a shimmering moon, standing in front of the ocean on our beautiful island.

I love you.


