Page 9 of But First, Whiskey

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“You’re making me hard.”

My jaw dropped. A glance down at his shorts showed he had his hands in his pockets in an unsuccessful attempt to hide his growing cock. I felt an instant tingling response in my core. “That’s not my fault. I’m not doing anything.”


Holy shit. Now that was hot. I gasped and widened my eyes, fingers coming up to clasp my throat.

He groaned. “Now you look like you want me to push you against the wall.”

That wasn’t totally untrue.

Without warning, something hit my leg. I turned and saw that it was Marigold and she was crying. “What’s wrong?” I asked automatically, pulling her in for a hug.

“Grandma told me to stop sticking my finger in the cake.”

Oh, geez. That was Marigold’s beef? I could totally picture my mother reprimanding her for that. Jenny didn’t cotton to kids messing with a party spread. I’d learned that the hard way. “Grandmas are like that. They assume no one wants dirty little fingers dragged through a piece of cake they’re going to eat, and guess what? Grandmas are right.” I reached down and picked her up.

A glance to my left showed MacKay was gone.

MacKay Lennox.

Ex pro football player.

My brother’s best friend.

The object of all my fantasies.

And potentially my new boss.



So that had gone well.Not. I had eye fucked Faith Young at a baby shower.

And somehow had agreed to interview her for an unknown position at my distillery. Where I was going to have to see her day in, day out, which we would, because of Cash. All while pretending that I didn’t want to take her straight to my bed and never let her leave again.

It didn’t help that she seemed as affected by our chemistry as me. She’d fallen into a bush. Her dress had ridden up and if it wasn't for a giant flower between her thighs I would have seen everything she had and then some.

Oh, wait. I already had.

And loved every damn minute of it.

I shoved the key into my apartment door and turned it. Technically, it was my brother, Dylan’s, apartment, but he’d been letting me stay with him for the last ten months. I paid rent, obviously, but I really should be moving out. I just didn’t seem to have the ambition to set up my own place.

After my relationship with Mary Frances had blown up, she hadn’t waited for me to move my stuff out. Within twenty-four hours, she’d had everything I owned in a storage facility. The speed was dizzying. Once she’d handed me the key and told me to take over the payments, I hadn’t felt like dealing with it. Any of it.

But I didn’t want to think about Mary Frances. Not when I’d spent the afternoon near Faith. When she had hugged me, I had nearly just confessed everything to Cash right on the spot. It was an act of sheer willpower that I’d managed to keep my fucking mouth shut.

Kicking off my shoes in the foyer, I came around the corner.

And found myself face to face with Dylan on the couch with a woman. Or rather, he was on the couch. She was on her knees on the floor between his legs. Her mouth was rhythmically descending onto his junk.

My first instinct was to just get my ass to my room as fast as possible and hope they didn’t see me.

No such luck. Even without shoes, the floors creaked when I took a step. I don’t exactly have a low profile.

The woman broke rhythm and glanced back at me, still half on Dylan’s dick. I winced.

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