Page 78 of But First, Whiskey

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“Just take Marigold upstairs. Ava is staying at her friend’s house tonight and Johnny is taking a shower.” Sera gasped and moaned, bending over. “God, I can’t get comfortable.”

Marigold clung to me harder, clearly scared. I rubbed her back.

Cash came over and ran his hand over Marigold’s hair. “It’s okay, baby girl, Mama is going to be just fine.” He took Sera’s hand. “Lean on me, sweetheart.”

“He has the arm for it,” I told her. “Might as well take advantage.”

She gave a half-laugh. “True.” She tried to stand up straight but didn’t quite accomplish it. “What did the doctor say?”

“She said she’ll meet us at the hospital.”

That sounded about right for a physician. They weren’t going to tell you much without seeing you in person. Cash looked like he was trying to hold his shit together for his wife. I was trying not to be nervous, but Sera’s pain and anxiety was upsetting to witness.

“You good here?” he asked me.

I nodded. “Yes. I can take care of everything. Let me know what the doctor says.”

“Maybe we’ll have a baby by morning,” Cash said. He kissed Marigold. “I love you. Be good for Aunt Faith.”

After Sera also said goodbye to Marigold and they slowly made their way out the front door, I figured I needed to distract her. She was making my shirt wet with her tears and she was getting damn heavy. I wasn’t in any shape to be hauling around a five-year-old.

“Jesus, you’re a handful,” I said, trying to walk to the couch as she was sliding down the front of me, all arms and legs. I kicked my legs up one at a time to flop both of us forward.

It was out of necessity but it had the added benefit of making her giggle.

I was halfway to the couch when I saw MacKay pop into my peripheral vision. I let out a shriek. “Dang, you scared me.” He was coming down the stairs from the room over the garage. The man cave room.

“Where’s Cash?” he asked, eyeing me warily.

The sight of him made my chest tighten. He looked good. Big. Masculine. Handsome. I’d always liked his jawline and the little crinkle in his brow when he was concentrating like he was now. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his arms around me. I wanted his strength and his comfort and his company.

“He just took Sera to the hospital. She’s having chest pains. It might be labor or something else, we’re not sure. The doctor said to go in.”

“Oh, geez. Well, okay then. I hope everything is fine.”

“I’m sure it will be,” I said, gesturing with my head toward Marigold, who now had slid down to my knees and ankles. She was clinging to me like a baby monkey.

I stood there for a second, trying to catch my breath. “Mar, I think I need you to walk. Aunt Faith is tuckered out.”

“No!” She clung harder and I started to wobble.

“I’m going to fall, let go.”


My arms went flying out and I scrambled to find a purchase on something, anything.

MacKay was suddenly there, a firm grip on my arm, keeping me standing. Once I was stabilized, he reached down and scooped up Marigold and tossed her into the air. She let out a delighted shriek.

I cleared my throat and adjusted the messy bun on top of my head. I was wearing leggings and a huge sweatshirt and wishing I looked just a little cuter. “Thanks,” I said.

“No problem.”

“I’m hungry,” Marigold said as he set her back down on the floor.

She looked to me to feed her. Cooking was not my thing. That was my mom’s thing. Not mine. Not only has it never interested me, I’ve never needed to between Mama and Hank. “What do you want to eat?” I asked her.

Marigold stared at me with wide eyes. She started to shake.

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