Page 69 of But First, Whiskey

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“Keep going,” I said, lightly smacking her ass to encourage her to move faster. “Grab your tits for me.”

“Like this?” She tossed her hair back and then with one hand still firmly planted on my chest for support, she used the other to cup her breast, to tease and roll her nipple between her fingers.

“Yeah, baby.” I was trying to hang on, wanting the moment to last as long as possible, but she was driving me to the edge.

“Look,” she said, even as she still moved up and down on me. “I just realized you can see us in the mirror.”

I followed where she was looking and momentarily thought I’d fallen into a porn recording.Holy shit. A full length mirror had been propped against the wall a few feet from the mattress and there she was, in all her gorgeous glory, taking me deep inside her.

Squeezing her ass harder than was probably comfortable for her, I exploded inside her with a low groan, yanking my gaze away from the mirror so I could see her directly. Faith came immediately after, her chest and cheeks pink, her skin dewy. She dropped down onto me with a little laugh.

“Mission accomplished,” I told her.

She splayed across my chest and kissed my shoulder. Which seemed very sweet. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her.

“I’m glad you’ll be back in Nashville for the party. I’m going to miss you now that you’ve moved. Am I allowed to say that?”

She didn’t answer. She just made a noncommittal sound and snuggled in beside me. I pulled back a little so I could look at her, completely unsatisfied with that response. Because no response meant no, I wasn’t allowed to miss her. Or I wasn’t allowed to talk about it.

But I had those feelings. I had love for her. I couldn’t just pretend this was nothing but sex. It wasn’t. It was friendship and building a team at work and love. It was freaking love.

“Hey. What are we doing here exactly?” I asked her, needing to push her a little. She’d been the aggressor tonight. She could cough up an answer for me.

Faith bit her lip. She was lying in the crook of my arm but she was looking up at the ceiling. “I really don’t know.”

That wasn’t enough. Not after everything.

“At this point, Faith, I need to know,” I told her. “I can’t keep doing this where we say one thing and then do another. I need something defined.”

I didn’t think that was a huge ask.

“Why do we have to define it?”

“Because we’re going back and forth between sex and friendship and just co-workers and then back to sex and what that tells me is that we can’t seem to stay away from each other. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“What does it tell you?”

“That we want each other. That we want to date. That we want a relationship that is out in the open, defined, with no secrets.” That’s what I wanted, that was for damn sure. Cash and my brothers couldn’t argue with that, and frankly, if they did, I wouldn’t care. I needed to be with Faith, on a real level.

She turned onto her side and looked at me. The earnest expression she was wearing didn’t give me a good feeling. “I want to date you, MacKay. I really do. I enjoy every minute that I’m with you. But I’m scared.”

That mollified me and eased the pit in my gut. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to hear that she was actually interested in me. That she had some kind of affection for me beyond appreciation of my cock. Which was flattering, sure. We had some amazing sex. But I wanted her to like me way beyond the physical.

I brushed her hair back. “What are you afraid of, sweetheart? Besides psycho killers and demons?”

“Of never accomplishing anything on my own. Of being taken care of.”

That made my heart sink. She’d hinted at those kinds of feelings before. Of wanting to succeed on her own, of wanting personal growth and achievement. It’s why I had told Dylan Faith and I were in different places in our lives. We were. She was experiencing everything that was totally normal at her age.

At my age, I just wanted to wake up with the same woman every morning, to be settled. To know what the future was going to look like.

“I understand that,” I told her. I did. “I’m not asking you to give up any sort of dreams you have. I”m asking to take over your life and make decisions for you. I just want to take you to dinner and call you my girlfriend.”

“Look at my siblings,” she said. “Patsy is a doctor serving an underprivileged population. George is a lawyer, Cash a professional football player. Hank’s a head chef in a five star restaurant and Toby is a firefighter. Conway is a bartender, but he also actually owns the bar, and he loves what he does. Then there’s me, getting a handout from my brother’s best friend. I wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for both of you. I’m driving Cash’s car. I spent the summer working at Sera’s bakery.”

I was disappointed she hadn’t reacted to me saying I wanted her to be my girlfriend, but that was clearly not where her head was. I tried to be patient, talk through it with her. Be what she needed.

“You’re also the youngest of your siblings so it’s not like it’s a fair comparison, Faith. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” I ran my hand down her cheek. She was so beautiful. I loved her in a way I’d never experienced before and she didn’t want the same things I did.

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