Page 49 of But First, Whiskey

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“Three,” he said.

After the waves receded, he eased me back onto the mattress, my thighs going slack as I stared at him, grateful for the cover of the night.

I let him fuck me, too shocked to even touch him. My T-shirt had fallen down, but then bunched up again under my ass around my waist. I felt connected to every inch of my body, from my tingling scalp where he held my hair, to my aching nipples, to my slick inner heat, and all the way down to the bottom of my feet, which knocked against his hard thighs randomly as he rocked into me.

By the time we drifted off to sleep, after MacKay had announced, “Six,” i was certain that something had cracked inside me that I couldn’t repair.

He had broken me in the best way possible.

I was ruined for other men.

And I didn’t care.

Not to mention I slept better than I had in years.



This wasthe second time I had woken up next to Faith and it was going to be the last. It had to be the last. Which was a damn shame because waking up with her warm body draped all over mine was definitely both sexy and oddly comforting. Faith was snuggled up next to me and half on me, an arm resting on my chest, a leg flung over my thigh. She was a sleep cuddler. Which was interesting because awake, she wasn’t exactly a touchy feely kind of person. Relaxed in her sleep, she was all smooth skin, soft curves, and tangled blond hair. I stroked her hair as it tumbled down her back, wanting to savor this sensation of being close to her.

After a few minutes of pure self-indulgence, I realized the sun was peeking through the curtains of the hotel room. The reality was we needed to get out of bed and start our day. We were supposed to be having a staff meeting at nine-thirty. I glanced over at my phone and saw it was already after eight. I was impressed I was even awake yet, considering how late we’d been up.

But we did need to haul ass out of bed before Dylan had too many questions.

“Faith,” I murmured, kissing the top of her head. “We need to get up.”

“Just five more minutes,” she said, her face buried in my chest.

Could anything be cuter? Seriously, it’s a legitimate question. She was fucking adorable and sexy and sleepy and damn near perfect. Dragging myself away from all her sweet softness was going to be a challenge.

“Okay. I’m going to take a shower back in my room. We shouldn’t show up downstairs at the same time anyway.” I didn’t move, but I did shake her gently when it seemed like she’d fallen back asleep.

“Mm hm,” Faith murmured, rolling over away from me, her breasts on full display.

Well, that was torture. I debated with myself and tried to remember why anything other than Faith’s body mattered. A decade long friendship with Cash? I had other friends. The distillery? Only five years of my life and most of my money. I could rebuild.

For a brief second, I caved into temptation and all irrational thoughts that tried to convince me there would be no consequences and pulled one of her nipples into my mouth.

But, dusting off the iron will I had used in my days as an athlete, I forced myself to pull back.

Or it might have been that Faith shoved me off of her with an irritated sound. I wasn’t going to split hairs. It was clear at the moment she valued sleep more than sex.

I crawled out of bed. There went every ounce of potential joy in my morning. Gone.

A cup of coffee and a business meeting couldn’t compete.

Being responsible was a bitch. I stood up and got dressed. I bent over and kissed Faith’s cheek. “I’ll see you later. The meeting is at nine-thirty. I’ll wait for you in the lobby downstairs.”

“Mm hm.”

She continued to look adorable, which was annoying and distracting, her hair falling in her face, her soft pink lips parted. Her chest rose and fell as she drifted back into sleep. I stood there watching her for a full twenty seconds before I realized I was acting like a lovesick idiot.

Which I wasn’t. I didn’t think. I was just struck dumb by sex.

Struck so dumb that I pulled out my phone and took a picture of her sleeping, making sure it was just her face, nothing below the shoulders. I shoved my phone back in my pocket, questioning my sanity with a shake of my head.

Thankfully, I was able to get into my hotel room and even better, no one was in it. I took a shower, got dressed, then went down to the lobby to explore the continental breakfast. Food wasn’t what I really wanted but I needed to eat. I was filling a plate when my brother showed up.

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