Page 3 of But First, Whiskey

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“Will do. I appreciate this,” Cash said. “For real, buddy.”

I felt like a first class dick. “Don’t mention it.”

Really. Don’t mention it.

Two months earlier

I was drunk.

I was aware of the fact that I was drunk, but it was too late to do anything about it. It’s like getting on the Ferris wheel and then wanting off after the damn thing starts moving. You can’t do anything about it. You just have to ride it out.

And why was I drunk, you ask? That’s a great question.

It was because I had thought Faith was a catering server and I’d had hard, pounding sex with her behind the barn. Then found out she was Cash’s sister.

Even worse, I’d stuck my foot in my mouth and told her we had to act like nothing had ever happened. I’d offended her, and rightly so. It had been an insensitive thing to say and she had been pissed. Seriously, righteously pissed off at me.

So I had apologized midway through the reception. She’d softened, just a little.

I’d insisted I go into her bedroom to retrieve my suit jacket, and she had followed me at my request. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing, other than playing with fire.

Faith moved into her room, then closed the door behind her. She leaned against it, her hands still behind her on the doorknob. “It looks like you found my room without me,” she said. “Grab your jacket. We shouldn’t be in here together. Alone.”

“Why is that?” I asked. I knew why. I wanted her to say it. So that I could tell her it no longer seemed to matter. What mattered was we were alone in a dark room and I needed to taste her lips again.

Faith cocked her head. “Because of my brother. You don’t want him to know that I’m a grown woman who can hook up with whoever I want, remember?”

I was drunk, not stupid. “That’s a trick question, isn’t it?” I didn’t see a way to answer that without stepping in it. Besides, my brain was firing a little slow as a result of the whiskey.

She pursed her lips. From amusement or anger, I wasn’t sure. “You’re kind of an idiot.”

But there was no rancor behind the words. She sounded like she thought I was an idiot, but also an idiot she wanted.

It was an opening I couldn’t resist.

“I am definitely an idiot.” I moved toward her, putting one hand on the door above her head, the other on her waist. I tugged her against me and she didn’t resist. “Because only an idiot would lock himself in a room with a woman he can’t have.”

“We’re not locked in,” Faith said, hands still resting on the doorknob.

I shifted in, close to her body, my hips crowding hers, as I reached behind her. She audibly sucked in a breath but she didn’t move, didn’t try to slip away from me.

I twisted the button on the knob. “It seems like we are.”

My cock was pressing into her thigh and my chest brushed against her breasts. It stirred my cock to life and brought me instantly back to earlier that evening, when we’d been standing like that against the barn, only I was fully embedded deep inside her wet heat and she’d been giving me soft cries of encouragement. I reached up and brushed her hair back off of her cheek. Somewhere in the room a lamp was on low, casting a glow on her high cheekbones and full pink lips. “You’re so beautiful.”

Faith gazed up at me. “I thought you said you can’t have me.”

“I can’t.” But even as I spoke the words, I pressed a light kiss to the soft delicate flesh behind her ear and breathed in her scent. She smelled like summer. Like the cool water we’d swam in, the bonfire, and a crisp sweet glass of lemonade.

She shifted her hips forward, bumping the teasing mound of her pussy against my cock. “You are saying one thing and doing another, MacKay.”

I swore at the sensation of her body brushing against mine. “Isn’t that what you’re doing too?”

Her hands left the doorknob and landed on my hips. “No. I’ve never said this was a bad idea.”

She was right, of course. She didn’t think it was a big deal if her brother found out. She was wrong. It was a big deal. I dragged my knuckles down her cheek. “Some of the best things in life start out as bad ideas.”

I didn’t even know what I meant by that. I just was drowning in the feel of her, and whiskey.

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