Page 2 of But First, Whiskey

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He looked serious. But not necessarily angry.

“Sure, of course.” I set the glass down on an end table in case I needed to block a punch when Cash tried to take out my teeth for touching his sister.

Though I felt certain if he knew the full truth he’d look a lot more pissed off.

Eloise made some excuse to walk away but I barely heard her. My adrenaline had spiked and I could hear my own heartbeat.

“I probably shouldn’t be bringing this up today, but it’s been on my mind.”

Not a promising start.

“Sure, buddy, what’s up?” Keep cool. Keep calm. Give nothing away.

“Faith is a hard worker.”

That caught me off guard. “Okay.” She definitely had put the effort in on my cock, but I was one hundred percent certain Cash was not referencing that.

“I need a favor. I hate to ask this, and you can say no. Seriously. I mean that. Say no if it’s not possible.”

“What do you need? You know I’m happy to help you if I can.” That was true. Cash was a ride or die friend. He’d been there for me when I had suffered my career-ending injury.

“She hasn’t been able to find a job in marketing and it’s really got her down. Do you think you could find something, anything, for her to at least interview for at the distillery? It would mean a lot to me. She’s really trying and if something doesn’t turn up for her she’s going to go back home to Louisiana.”

I stared at Cash for a second, trying to process that he wasn’t about to rip my balls off and stuff them in my mouth. He wanted to find his sister a job? Relief ripped through me and I said automatically, “Sure. No problem.”

A beat too late I realized that it was fucking insane to hire Faith to work at the distillery I had started, in my domain. Where she would be around all the time. Tempting me. Teasing me. Torturing me.

“Her degree is in marketing, like I said, so I don’t know, social media stuff? Or hell, even a tour guide. Entry level. Do you need an assistant?”

My shoulders tensed. Oh, hell no to that. “I don’t have an assistant and I don’t think I can justify hiring one. But we have a couple of entry level positions open.”

We didn’t.

My brothers were going to kill me, especially Malcolm because he was our CFO for Four Brothers Bourbon. He watch-dogged the hell out of our numbers.

But Cash had done a lot for me. He owned ten percent of the distillery as an investor. When I had come to him needing some capital he hadn’t hesitated to invest. He didn’t get involved in any way, and left me to run the business. He was a solid friend so if he needed a favor, I owed him one. If I hadn’t had sex with Faith at Cash and Sera’s wedding, I wouldn’t think twice about his request. I would just offer her a job.

If I didn’t, it would be highly suspicious.

Cash clapped me on the back. “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

“No, you don’t.” He really didn’t. Like, he really, really didn’t.

A visual popped into my head of Faith, in her wet bra and panties, pond water rolling off of her skin, as I kissed her. Then peeling her bra down, releasing those enticing tits, my suit jacket around her shoulders…

“I have to go back over there and pretend to be excited as Sera unwraps the eight hundredth pack of onesies. I’ll send Faith over to talk to you.”

That ripped me out of my reminiscing and right back to the present.

We weren’t behind the barn on a hot July night, grappling to remove each other’s clothes.

We were in the courtyard of a trendy restaurant in September with a hundred people present.

Come to think of it, that had been our MO at the wedding. Given half a chance, I’d probably make out with her in the kitchen.

No. I could not, would not touch Faith in any way.

“She looks busy right now. Have her call me Monday.” She did look busy. Bending over repeatedly as some kind of gift guru. There was an unwrapping system in play and she was the one in charge of it. She was running the whole process like an old-school Wing Back play. Just run it up the middle with a wing man, in this case Marigold, Sera’s daughter, to get the job done.

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