Page 43 of My Sinful Valentine

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“I did.” Holding a hand up, I wait until she takes it and with one tug pull her between my legs. Those supple hips make my mouth water. The slickness on her upper thighs makes me lean forward, and I lick the edge of her thong. “You’ve been a bad little girl.”


“I’M SORRY.” She isn’t.

“Are you really?”

A giggle escapes her when I nip her right hip. “Not in the least.”

“And do you deserve to be punished for such behavior?” Another bite, this one a bit lower, and I’m rewarded with a moan. “Answer me.”

“Yes.” Goose bumps rise across her flesh and her body arches into me. “I think you need to teach me a lesson.”

“Over my lap, Preciosa. Let me help you rid yourself of all these bad habits and impure thoughts.” At my command, she shivers, but more importantly, follows directions. Solimar drapes herself across my lap, holding on to the leg of the chair while I admire the view.

If I thought the front of her lingerie was sexy, the back is perverse. It’s nothing but strings across her bare cheeks and hips, attaching to the small triangle barely covering her mound.

I also love the little bow at the center; an innocent touch that makes me want to bite her, but instead, I skim my fingers across each asscheek. Her body shivers, hips gyrating over my touch, but I keep each touch light.

Just savoring. Enjoying each response.

There’s also a small shiver she can’t control.

Because there’s pleasure in giving in and the anticipation that builds, in the gentle touch of a lover or the sudden strike of a palm as it reddens her left cheek, the flesh jiggling while my precious wife sucks in a breath. This punishment isn’t meant to hurt, but tease.

She knows I’d never hurt her, but knowing she enjoys a good spanking as much I love giving one is a turn-on for the two of us—something I discovered after playfully swatting her a few times during a beach trip in the white bikini she used to toy with me.

“Alejandro,” she moans out, body arching into my hand when I land a second smack. This one on the area where ass meets thigh, the skin pinking up beautifully, but still the color is too light. More of a hint of blush, when I need vibrancy. Heat. “Papi, I need—”

“Another?” Her answer comes in the form of a nod and I aim to please, landing three in rapid succession across the same pinkish skin. Now, it’s blooming, my fingerprints visible on her delicate skin, and I skim the same digits between her thighs and chuckle at the wetness that greets me.

She’s soaked. Motherfucking tender and bare, and the minuscule panties rip apart easily with one hard tug, snapping against her skin and leaving a tender mark behind.

Solimar mewls at this. Her body wants more.

Another smack, this time harder across the other side, and she whimpers, shamelessly trying to rub herself against my thigh, but my hold on her doesn’t allow much movement. There’s no friction for her ache, but I do gift her the sting of another swat.

“What does my pretty girl need?” I croon, sliding two fingers through her wetness and back toward her ass, circling the tight little hole. It loosens against my touch, hungry for my cock, but I’ll only tease her today.

Even after all this time, my wife is still too tight for me to take without prepping her there. And when I fuck her ass, a preventable injury will never be associated with the act. Slight discomfort? Yes, but I’d never hurt her for my sick pleasure, and my size and girth will do that if she’s not prepped.

I do, however, slip a single finger inside to the second knuckle and keep it there while delivering two more spankings. “Why are you being punished, linda?”

Sol turns her head slightly in my direction, eyes meeting mine out of the corner of hers, and she bites her bottom lip. “My impure thoughts and actions?”

“What else?”

“I like your handprint on my skin.”

“And?” We both know there is one more thing she’s yet to confess, and I take in the moment it truly hits her. What, or better yet, who she saw before we came up shouldn’t be something I persuade her to share by reddening the perky flesh of her backside. “Tell me.”

“My uncle is in Las Vegas and I’m—”

“You’re always safe with me.” Her head drops in shame, but I’m not having it and I lift her easily to sit in my lap. She’s facing the Las Vegas night sky, her back to my chest with my lips at her ear. Solimar didn’t lie to me, but I know she processes things differently. Her bastard uncle has never been a true part of her life—shunned by both her father and grandfather—but he’s always had a hidden fascination with her, more so after she came of age and Solimar became the perfect way in his eyes to gain retribution. “Miguelino won’t come near you, Mrs. Lucas. Our men have been watching him as we speak, and we will deal with him after. Understood?”


“Good girl.” Kissing the area right below her ear, I breathe her in. We will deal with him later, but first I plan to enjoy her. Enjoy our time together. “Now, you are going to take me out of my pants and rub me against your wet slit. Back and forth, Preciosa. Be a bad girl for me and show me how much you love my cock.”
