Page 42 of My Sinful Valentine

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“Pervert.” Sol snickers and then steps out of my embrace. She’s watching me through amused eyes, hip cocked to the right, accentuating her delicious curves. “You ready?”

“Always.” I offer my arm, and without pause, she threads hers with mine. Perfect girl. “Now let’s go eat. We have places to be and people to see.”

Sol tilts her head, her expression one of confusion. “People to see?”

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life.”

“That’s my Preciosa.”

“You sneaky devil!” Solimar exclaims the moment we walk into the private dining room I booked at our hotel. It’s a floor below our penthouse suite with a clear view of the strip and the famous buildings surrounding it. Not that she’s paying attention to that or the expensive decor or lighting—the chandelier that is the crowning jewel of the room—isn’t even a blip on her radar.

Oh no.

My beautiful wife is too busy gushing over the American BBQ buffet that I’ve had prepared for us. There’s a brisket and shredded pork, hotdogs, and hamburgers—every side dish the hotel chef could make and a few beers to wash it down.

This is the kind of meal my Solimar appreciates.

Not fancy. Finger licking. Comfortable.

Walking her over to the white linen table set for two minus the plates, I pull out Sol’s chair and help her sit. I also slip a hand beneath her skirt and squeeze her thigh before placing a napkin on her lap. “I take it you approve?”

“Is that even a question?” It comes out breathy, and she bites her bottom lip. “You always know what I need.”

“I do.” Slipping a hand inside my pants pocket, I pull out a folded piece of paper and put it in front of her. The top reads open before eating and she arches a brow in amusement. Her lips quirk up and Sol sits back, watching me with eyes that know me, what I’m capable of and how much I love her. Place her above all others. “I’ll make you a plate.”

“That’s not—”

“Humor me.” Bending a bit, I breathe in the soft, fragrant skin of her forehead and lay a kiss at her hairline. “You have sixty seconds.”

Giving her my back, I walk over to the dinner plates set beside the starting end of the meat area and begin to serve her what I’ve read is a combo platter with a little bit of everything. Meat and sides and three types of bread; I know she’ll never eat it all, but indulging her is what I live for.

I’m also very pleased with how quickly Solimar accepts my request. The low noise of a chair scooting back and the muted sound of heels meeting the floor makes my dick hard. I know what I’ll encounter when I turn around. I know what my meal will be.

“Perfection,” is all I say, taking in the blush across her cheeks and the column of her neck—all the way down to the tops of her mesh-encased breasts and the newly adorned nipples I’m eager to play with. My preciosa stands before me in lingerie and bare feet, in a minuscule piece of string and thin fabric that doesn’t cover her pussy.

It’s tiny. Barely the width of three fingers and I see her. All of her.

How the material clings to her slick pussy.

How hard her nipples are, throbbing for a swipe of my tongue.

“You like?”

“I do.” Taking the remaining steps between us, I place her plate down, knowing it’s going to go cold. I’ll feed her my cock first, and then once she’s satiated and exhausted, sustenance will take the forefront of my concerns.

After all, I am a man of priorities.

Solimar’s seat is empty and I grab the back of the chair, moving it to face the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the city. From our vantage point, the night sky is illuminated by colors and movement, each hotel having its own attraction to draw in the millions of people that walk the streets of Sin City each year.

Then, I take a seat and from over my shoulder, crook a finger.

And fuck me if my precious wife doesn’t come without hesitation. Her slim fingers skims me from shoulder to shoulder before taking her place in front of me, bare asscheeks to the window and a coquettish smile on her beautiful face. “Hi.”

“Buenas noches, señorita.”

“Mi bello señor.” She’s wrong, though. My preciosa is the most beautiful thing in my universe. “You wanted to see me?”
