Page 29 of My Sinful Valentine

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The motherfucking way the fingernails of her right hand dig into my wrist as if I were her lifeline to reality.

“Motherfucking perfection, Beauty.” Pulling back just enough to watch me disappear within her warmth, I bite my lip. I’m soaked in her, glistening, and on the next slam in, I pause just long enough to watch her work herself on me. She’s riding me like this. Forcing every exit and entry. “That’s it, Mrs. De Leon. Make me come just like this.”

“Thiago, I’m close. Please, Papi...I need—”

“Always me. Only me.” Bringing my thumb to my lips, I lick the tip and then place it over her clit, just adding pressure while she moves against me. The harder I press, the faster she moves, and the flush on her chest a few seconds later tells me she’s close. “Fuck, Mami. I feel you...that’s it. Milk my cock.”

“ good,” Luna moans right before I squeeze her clit just shy of the point of pain and she comes on a silent scream, mouth open and chest heaving as pleasure rocks her body. She’s thrashing against my hips, getting tighter around my cock, and I place my lip atop of hers, tasting her pleasure in a quick and rough kiss.

“One more. Give me one more.”

“I’m sensitive.” It leaves her on a whine and I smirk, rubbing her clit with hard circles while I pump in and out, picking up the pace with each slam of my hips. On the third piston of my hips, she begins to shake. Her stomach muscles clench while her thighs try to hold me to her, but I don’t stop.

I fuck her like the animal she makes me feel like.

Gripping a thigh in each hand, I force them wider apart and up toward her body, changing the angle and punching in deeper with each thrust. My balls feel heavy. My cock throbs with each pulse of her walls, but it’s when she whispers Mine that I come.

Rope after rope of come leaves me and merges with her wetness, leaking from her tiny hole once she’s filled to the brim. And even then, I still push in a little deeper as I gift her every last drop. All of me.

This woman is my world, and creating a little family is all that I’ve ever wanted.

We stay inside the small cove for a while just being, hugging and kissing lazily until she shivers and I lift her in my arms. The trek back to the main house doesn’t take long, and along the path, we stop and touch and I might slip it inside again, but nothing is more memorable than the sweet smile on her lips when I lay her down in our bed, followed by the sigh that escapes her parted lips when I press my forehead against hers.

But it’s the low I love you that I live for. That I kill for.


EVERYONE’S WAITING FOR us as we disembark. The private landing strip near the coastal cliff attached to the compound has every single member of our family—and two bodies on their knees, while a third watches with fright.

We have smiles. We have tears.

“Have a good trip, big bro?” Ivan asks, extending a hand out that Thiago takes, giving it a squeeze in that manly way guys do. The woman to his right is smiling; there’s mischief in her eyes, but I’ll interrogate the little sneak later. Instead, I roll my eyes at the two and refocus my attention on the guests.

I’m intrigued by their dynamic. How different this is to other meetings I’ve witnessed.

The men are sweating and whimpering but not harmed, while Mrs. Rojas is begging for freedom.

Not hers and her husband’s. Just hers.

Beside me, I hear Thiago chuckle at what I assume is my expression. The pure disgust written across my features because I have zero tolerance for those trying to hurt our family. That’s a mark left behind by my father’s betrayal—my mother’s near-death at the hands of an addiction he imposed on her still haunts me.

This is something my husband understands. My need to eliminate anything that could cause the ones I love harm.

Because there’s a small part of me that feels responsible for not realizing how far my father would go to attain his goals. It’s why any attack, big or small, is unacceptable. Moreover, what these three attempted to do I consider to be treason.

“We did,” Thiago says before leaning down and kissing my temple, humming a bit at the scent of his favorite perfume on my skin. Then, I’m being pulled against his side with an arm around my waist. “Very refreshing.”

Ivan smirks, and I roll my eyes. “Sounds like I need to visit this wondrous place.”

“It’s more like you need to buy your own.” At my husband’s response, Ivan laughs and his mom claps, doing that silly dance most women do when excited. She’s dying for grandkids, begging me to get knocked up after every Sunday dinner. The amusement drops from his face, and the three cowering on the airstrip flinch. “What have we learned?”

“First, touché. And second, a lot.” Ivan nods to the men with a look of pure repugnance on his face. “As you can see, they’re untouched and clothed. The two assholes have been very cooperative.”

“No fun, then?”

“Andy pissed himself.”

“Always amusing.” Thiago steps away from me but entwines our fingers together. “Give me the breakdown.”
