Page 28 of My Sinful Valentine

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Instead, I take her hand in mine and pull her small body into my harsher planes. For a second, I just stand and feel and enjoy those sinful curves before sweeping Mrs. De Leon into my arms. There’s a natural rock formation that serves as a stairway to the first of the two freshwater pools.

The closer we get, the cooling mist surrounds us and my beauty squirms, letting out a little squeal when the first few drops of water hit her warm flesh. She’s suntanned and rosy cheeks, a little sweaty from the walk across the property, and I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.

Luna owns me. Has since the day we met.

“Are you going to let me down?”


“Thiago, the water is cold. Let me—” I silence her with a kiss and without pausing, I walk us into the water and beneath the waterfall. It’s not a harsh cascade. A little cooler than the water surrounding us, but feels like heaven. Especially when tiny hands bunch up my shirt and pull it over my head while hungrily tasting my lips. When those same fingers run the blunt of their nails down my back and up again. “Jesus, I love you.”

“I thought it was cold?” My teeth nip her bottom lip and then soothe the skin with my tongue. “That you wanted to be put—”

Luna cuts me off by slipping her tongue into my mouth, flicking it against mine, and then pulling back. Her eyes are hooded. Her breath coming out in little pants. “Fuck the cold. All I need is you.”

“You have me.” Reluctantly, I put her down, sliding her down my front until she’s touching the ground, and then I’m wandering hands and harsh grips—I’m nipping her neck and then lower, not stopping until I have a nipple in my mouth through the fabric of her bikini top. The material is soft and fragile. Delicate and for a one-time use only.

I rip through it with my teeth.

“Oh, God,” Luna moans, arching into me, pushing the pebbled tip against my lips. I suck hard, flicking the tip with my tongue while tearing the other triangle. “Thiago...Jesus, Bebe.”

“Every day for the rest of our lives...” another lick and I trail a path across to the other nipple, biting the sensitive tip “’ll always have me.”

“You promise?” Luna’s hand scratches the back of my scalp before fisting the hair at the nape, pulling me in closer and feeding me more of her perky tit. “No matter what, it’s you and me.”


“I love you.” At her words, I undo the tied strings of my swim trunks and lower—kick them off to float away somewhere and then walk us backward. Five steps and we’re just underneath the waterfall and I spot the hidden stones that are just wide enough to sit her plump ass on. It’s covered enough that we are unseen and the waterfall becomes a thin curtain.

It was also one of the main selling points when I visited the property a few months back and jumped in after my phone slipped out of my pocket, falling right at the edge of the waterfall. The elderly owner, whose wife didn’t care about this place, was some American businessman who used it as a summer home and had probably visited the country a total of three times.

Idiots. Total fucking idiots.

This lagoon has the ocean a few feet away, and beneath the cataract, we have a private rock bench to play on. It’s where I’ve envisioned taking my girl these last few weeks. Where I want to watch her eyes close and lips part on a silent scream as I empty deep inside her tight cunt.

She jumps a bit at the coolness of the stone beneath her skin but quickly forgets when I kiss her again, when my lips trail from Luna’s lips to her chin and down to her heaving chest, leaving little bites in my wake.

I’m sucking the tender flesh between my teeth, marking her. Loving her. Following a path down the center of her chest, not stopping until her pussy is an inch from my face, the clinging fabric of her bottoms the only thing separating us.

A job it failed at when after a long lick from clit to slit, I split the soft mesh down the middle, exposing her while the bottoms stayed on. I want to fuck her like this—through this opening just big enough to fit me.

Her eyes are on mine, heavy-lidded and hungry. Her small hand reaches between us and spreads her lips, rubbing two tight circles across her clit before I nip them and stand.

Fuck, I’m throbbing. My body feels as if I were a live wire and having control is a foreign concept.

Eyes on hers, I spit on her pussy and rub it in with my engorged head—once, twice, and then I hold it at her entrance.

“Please, Thiago. Bebe, I need you.”

“This won’t be gentle.” That’s my only warning through gritted teeth, and when she nods, I slam in to the hilt. She screams and her walls tighten around my girth, trying to hold me in place, but I stroke through the vice grip.

I’m punishing us with each jerk of my hips because this crazy, never-ending need pulses and dominates. Because it’s an insatiable desire and I can’t control myself.

And neither can Luna as she meets me thrust for thrust. Her eyes close and head falls back against the rock wall, her hips undulating against me while my fingers dig into her thick hips. I watch her through narrowed eyes as sweat beads at my temples and I ride her without pause.

Without an ounce of care as all I can feel is her.

I’m consumed by the tightness of her walls. By the shaking of her thighs around my waist.
