Page 68 of Yours

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“You’re so fucking beautiful, Muñeca.”

“And you’re perfect for me,” she whimpers, spreading her thighs wider on my couch. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Kneeling between her parted thighs, I place a finger at her mouth and dip it between wet lips. Her breath is warm and her tongue soft. Her throat bobs and I trace a path down to the center of her chest before cupping a tit, my fingernail flicking the metal adorning the pebbled tip, and then the other before taking it between my lips, my tongue lapping at the sensitive flesh.

“More.” One of her hands embeds itself into my hair and tugs me closer, holding me against her breast. And I suck harder, flipping between the two tips until her free hand slips between us and pulls at the drawstring of my shorts, pushing the waistband low enough that the engorged head slips out. “No foreplay. I want you just like this.”

I can feel her heat. If I snap my hips, I’d be buried deep.

Mariah traces the head while her thighs try to push the basketball shorts lower. They don’t move much, but just enough to rub the first few inches over her clit before I bite down on the flesh between her breasts.

She screams and I pull back, admiring the perfect indentation of my teeth.

I want her body littered with these. With my mark.

My cock throbs, and I look down in time to catch the sight of a little pre-come falling onto her skin. So fucking beautiful.

“I’ll love you slowly later.” I take my hands from her body long enough to remove my shorts and then toss them aside somewhere, could care less where they land. Her dress is torn. It hangs on either side of her body and I plan to frame the fabric after. I’ll carry a piece of it in my wallet wherever I go.

That’s how obsessed with her I am. No shame, either.

“And I’ll let you baby me all you want.”

“Good girl.” Rubbing the head of my cock from clit to slit twice, I pause at her entrance. A whimper escapes her, thighs spreading wider—she’s gorgeously indecent. “Now, hold on.”

I’m inside her in one fluid motion, buried to the hilt as her fingernails dig into my arm. She’s arching and bucking against the intrusion while I pull out and slam back in.

No pause. No waiting for her to adjust.

My baby takes my cock so prettily with a cry on her lips and her wetness dripping down to my balls. Her eyes roll back, neck pushing against the cushions. She’s shaking. Breaths labored.

“Baby,” Mariah moans, pulling me down until our chests are flushed and I anchor her to the couch with my hips. Fucking her with hard strokes, and when she clenches, I slip a hand beneath and grip an asscheek.

“You feel so good, Muñeca. So tight.” I flex my hips and then pull out slowly, dragging my cock against her walls before slamming back in. A delicious clench comes from her core, nearly choking my girth. “Again. Do that again.”

My pace is near punishing and every thrust pulls from her a cry of pleasurable pain that hits me in the chest like a sledgehammer. I’ll live the rest of my life worshipping her just to hear those sounds again and again.

She’s my reward. My fucking life.

“Kiss me, Javi. I’m so close.” The nails on my arm move down to my back and the blunt tips rake down to my ass. She grips me, forcing my hips to pound deeper—harder—until those perfect thighs shake. They tremble and squeeze my sides. “Need them.”

And I comply because this woman owns me.

I kiss her with every bit of the passion and love and hunger I hold for her. Mariah’s tongue is soft and she makes a whiny noise at the back of her throat when our tongues twine. She tries to fight for dominance, to control the kiss, but one sharp bite to her bottom lip and two things happen:

She clenches around me and screams into my mouth; I swallow each cry as the sound of her pleasure grows and juices soak my cock. My balls are heavy and the slap of skin on skin is loud, but it’s the way she closes her eyes and smiles that breaks me.

Every muscle in my body coils tight, but I never stop pounding into her, pulling out every last drop of come. Her pleasure comes before mine, and I revel in each spasm. Own her with each snap of my hip.

But when those seafoam-sated eyes focus on me again, a groan escapes and I lose control.

“Motherfuck, Mariah. So tight. So wet.” I slam in a final time and hold myself deep inside, filling her with ropes of come. The euphoric peak knocks the breath from my chest, and I bury my face in her neck, kissing every bit of skin I can reach.

We stay that way for a while. My body on hers and her arms holding me tight.

There’s no rush. No thoughts of her impending flight tomorrow morning where I’m not joining her.

She’ll be in Chicago, and I’ll be here hunting.
