Page 67 of Yours

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“Because I need you.” On her next intake of breath, Mariah finds herself on her back, looking up at me with wide excited eyes. “Hi,” she says and it’s breathless, her chest expanding, and every inhale rubs the two pointy tips on her chest against mine. For me to feel the metal surrounding each nipple.

“You love to tease and push, baby girl.” I’m throbbing, my cock pressed tightly against her mound. “I hope you’re prepared to deal with the consequences of this disrespect.”

“Please.” One word, and the last thread of patience left in me snaps. “Take what is yours.”

Closing my eyes, I nod and breathe in deep.

I had plans for us. I wanted to cook and spoil and make love to her slowly.

“I’m going to ask for your forgiveness now.” My voice is rough and my body shakes, but I keep my eyes soft when I look down at her. She’s everything to me, and I need her to understand this—know that no one comes before her. “Because once I’m inside of you, there will be nothing in this world that can pull me away.”

“Javi, I trust you. I—”

“I love you more than my own life, Mariah.”

A warm hand cups my jaw, and she pulls me down to her, my lips just touching hers. “I love you, too. In an almost obsessive crazy way and without control. All I want is you. All I think about is you.”

“Motherfuck.” It’s a rough exhale. A harsh shiver that runs from the top of my head and settles on my swelling cock. I’m throbbing—pulsing within the warmth of my girl’s parted thighs.

She makes me lose touch with reality.

With the regime I’ve followed since the day I made my first kill.

I’m hers to do with as she pleases, and when she kisses me again, I give in. Lose myself in her touch and scent, in the way her plump lips feel against my own. Jesus, she’s sweet and soft and explores my mouth with a keening mewl—almost begging for more of me. My touch. My cock.

“I’m going to spend the rest of my life spoiling you, beautiful. I’ll live for you.” Her hips undulate at that, and the thin fabric of her dress slips over her hips, exposing her cunt to the cool air. She hisses and I pull my lips from hers, looking down to the soft pink flesh. “So fucking pretty.”


“What do you need?” I’m rewarded with another horny little sound, but right now I need more. “Use your words.”

“Kiss me. Touch me.”

“Like this.” With the tip of two fingers, I part her labia at the same time I retake her lips. I swallow her moans. Taste her need. She’s wet and pliant, her noises filling the room with a symphony that I wish to spend the rest of my life listening to. “Or like this?”

“All of it as long as it’s with you.”

“Til death do us part.” I slip a finger inside and pump it a few times. Then add another. Mariah’s tight, walls clenching, and I smile against her mouth, deepening the kiss—her tongue battles mine for dominance, but gives in when I bite her lips.

We’re a brutal explosion of lust and hunger, this raw, uncontrollable yearning that I call home. She’s my reason and purpose.

“Javi,” she moans, a reverent sound when I nip her chin and down the path to her neck. Her skin flushes under my ministration, her nipples hard, and I bite one while slipping from her small hole. Wetness coats my fingers and I rub her clit with the pad of my middle finger. “More.”

Tight circles. Pressing down hard.

“Take your tits out,” I hiss out, giving each tip a lick over the cotton and pull back. Shaky hands do as I say and undo the top three buttons slowly, teasing me, but I’m past the point of patience.

I smack her clit, and she opens the next two a little faster. This won’t do.

Grabbing the bit of undone fabric in my hands, I rip it down the middle.

Buttons scatter. A gasp escapes her.

The look in her eyes is intoxicating, and I take a moment to look at her just like this:

She’s on her back and looking up at me with hooded eyes, tits on display and her pussy lips wet with desire. This woman is my heaven. My weakness. Mine.
