Page 51 of Yours

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We have plans for her. She’s more than a fuck.

“I’ll give you all the kisses you want after my surprise.”

“What’s it going to cost me?”

“Two hours in a ring with me.”

I thought she’d protest, but I’m dead wrong. Her eyes light up and her body vibrates with excitement as she scrambles off the bed, pushing me over in her haste. And all I can do is laugh. She’s certifiably adorable, and when she comes back thirty minutes later showered and dressed in a pair of lavender-colored yoga pants and a sports bra, I rethink these plans.

How the fuck am I supposed to test her fighting skills when all I can picture is bending her over and plowing deep?

“Again. Harder this time.” I’m moving around her, ducking my arms, holding the focus mitts just out of her reach. She’s breathing hard and sweaty, the few tendrils that slipped from her bun plastered to the side of her face and neck. An elegant neck where a few drops of perspiration glide down to the edge of her...

Her fist connects with my chin, and it stings. She’s caught me off guard and looks smug. Her grin is cocky. “I think you need to focus, Javi. Or do I need to find another trainer?”

Thank God the gym used by Malcolm’s employees is empty and no one is allowed inside until I give the okay. All cameras are off and the lights are dimmed, leaving just enough brightness where we can see the other move. No one sees her like this but me.

“I’m going to make you pay for that,” I hiss, ducking her next punch and tapping her right thigh when she stumbles a bit, losing her footing while chasing me. “Think you can handle me?”

“Bring it, pretty boy.”

“Noted.” Holding a hand up, I take the mitts off and toss them aside along with my shirt a few seconds after. She wants to play, then so be it. “You can throw a decent punch, princess, but can you dodge them?”

Something about what I said doesn’t sit right with her. Darkness overtakes her features, hate and ire her stance.

She’s stiff, chest heaving in a way that worries me. “Never call me that again, Lucas.”

“What that, princess?” Her reaction is the same: anger. A sudden blinding rage that makes me pause. I’m not going to call her out, not now, but I’ll push because whatever just overcame her mind is dangerous.

Mistakes cost lives. And it’s unacceptable that anything should happen to this woman.

“Don’t.” It’s a hiss. A warning. Nodding, I slip off my sneakers and tuck the strings of my joggers inside the waistband, taking away anything that could get caught in the fight she’s bringing my way. Her chest heaves, eyes bore into mine, but Mariah isn’t seeing me.

I still don’t have the full story of her history with Lane, but something tells me this has to do with him or her parents—their role and involvement with him is what’s setting her off. I’m also wondering if she’s ever truly dealt with her anger toward the assholes.

“Or what?” At my response, her nostrils flare and eyes narrow. “Something you want to say?”

“Quit it, Javi. This isn’t a box you want to open.”

“I’m not afraid, Muñeca.” I circle her, knocking her left hand from her hip on purpose. “You want to vent, do it. You want to strike, do it.”

“Back off.” Two words spit out through clenched teeth.

“Get it off your chest.” Rather now than during a dangerous situation. Mildred, in my eyes, is a threat, a weak one, but stupid people cannot be discounted. They’re careless. Ballsy. “Why do you hate the word—”

“Fuck you.” And she reacts without thinking, charging me with all her strength and I let her, taking the brunt of our fall and cradling her close. Mariah’s angry, eyes a bit red-rimmed while landing an elbow across my chin, knocking my face to the side. “Never call me what those pieces of shit did. Not you. Never you.”

“Why?” Before she can land another blow, I have her hand in mine and roll her off me. She’s on her back when I stand, eyes following me, and I wave her up. “Again. Don’t let your emotions rule you.”

“Maybe we should stop for today.”

“Get up. Don’t make me be an asshole this early.”

“Why do you care?” The ire from a few minutes ago has cleared a bit but still lingers.

“Because I’d rather you get pissed at me than make a costly mistake out there.” Her features soften at that, and I nudge her shin with the tip of my sock-covered foot. “Now, get up or I’ll mount you.” Cheeks flushing a bit, she does as I ask and gets into a fighter’s stance, leaning most of her weight on the right leg. Another mistake. You don’t favor one side more than the other, and I sweep Mariah’s feet out from under her.

“What the hell?” She lands with a thud, but there’s a hint of a smile on those sweet lips.
