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My muñeca slips inside the bathroom with the door closed, and I give her the time she needs. No matter how much my body wants to follow her inside the running shower or pull her close, I pick up our plates instead and run them to the kitchen.

While she’s soaping up and touching what is mine, I bring us a bottle of water each, find her bottle of ibuprofen, and fix the sheets and covers. She’s upset. I know there’s more that needs to be discussed—the flowers and Mildred—but for tonight, I’ll hold her and make sure she understands that no matter what…

I’m here.

And twenty minutes later when she comes back into the now pitch-black room and slips under the covers, I mold my body around hers. Keep her warm and kiss the crown of her head, humming a song that reminds me of her. Her beauty.

Moreover, when her breathing evens out and body melts into mine, I follow. Allowing my eyes to close and sleep to claim me.

“Why are you staring at me, Muñeca?” My eyes are closed, but I feel hers on me. Like a heated caress, they’ve been traveling from my face to chest and lower, while tiny fingers walk up each indentation of my abdomen.

She’s been counting the six over and over. Skipping, sliding—tapping my skin softly with the pad of her fingertips. She moves away, and immediately I miss her warmth and the horny little hums of approval that follow.

I’ve been awake for a while, since before dawn, enjoying the bit of quiet that surrounds us. Reveling in her touch.

It’s my favorite time of day. The few hours between sunrise and my alarm blaring when the world stills and I can think—dissect and plan—and today is no different.

Our conversation still weighs heavily on my mind. Her taste and touch still linger on my flesh.

“Christ, Javier! You scared me.”

“You’re the one being sneaky, not me. Very inappropriate, linda.” Turning my head in her direction, I pucker my lips but still don’t open my eyes. “Morning.”

It takes her a few minutes, but she pecks my lips, grazing her teeth down my bottom lip. “Buenos dias.”

I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my lips as my eyes greet her bashful ones. Mariah’s without makeup, her hair a mess of curls, and she’s wearing nothing but a thin silk slip. She’s fresh-faced and sleep-rumpled, but God, she’s beautiful.

My other half. Mine.

“Fuck, you’re perfect,” I groan, gripping the back of her neck and pulling her down to my lips. The kiss is softer than the others we’ve shared, yet deeper, and I find myself turning until I’m fully lying on top of her, my hips cradled by her thighs.

There’s no rush. No desperate touches as if the other person would vanish. Instead, we savor and explore. Caress and moan as I press the blunt head of my cock against her clit. The tip glides smoothly across, her wetness mixing with my pre-come, and if I shift a little lower, there’s no stopping me from snapping my hips and claiming what’s mine.

And I want to. Fuck, I do.

But not yet. Not until we put everything on the table because this beautiful criminal beneath me isn’t a one night stand. She’s not a quick fuck.

Mariah has quickly become my everything, and I’m not fighting the craziness that consumes—obliterates rationality.

Fuck it being too fast.

Fuck the way she fights me.

Fuck everything, because, in the end, it’ll be worth it. She is worth it.

I care about her. More than.

“We need to stop,” I grit out, flexing against her one last time, and sit back when her tiny hands move to grab me. “There’s somewhere we need to be within the next hour.”

There’s a pout on her lips, and those seafoam orbs narrow. “Where? Nothing’s going on until after two, and Malcolm gave us the morning off.”

It’s my turn to narrow my eyes. “I was never told this.”

Not that I’m giving her much of a notice on my plans, but there’s something I need to see just as bad. For my peace of mind. For her safety.

“That’s because I told him we’d be late last night before my shower.” Rising from the bed, a strap of her gown slipping down her shoulder, Mariah grips my jaw. “And I’m not done kissing you, Javi. Not yet.”

Christ, this beautifully dangerous woman tempts every single cell in my body. Knows what to say. Knows how to light me on fire with the faintest of touches.
