Page 71 of Corrupt

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She sits up abruptly and narrows her eyes. “What Alejandro are you talking about?”

“A friend.”

“Solimar, what Alejandro? What’s his full name.”

“Why does it matter?” Slipping from the bed, I walk over to the small seating area where a pair of yoga pants lay atop an oversized chaise and grab them. I shimmy into them, doing the universal jump in place routine all women do, before giving her the most honest answer I can without spilling it all. “He’s very protective of me, and that should be all that matters.”

“Baby, please tell me he’s not using—”

“Why don’t you tell me your friend’s name.” Her lips snap shut, and I raise a brow. “Hagale. Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“So make it easy.”

A sudden bout of giggles takes over her and she waves off my confused expression. What the? “I already know, Sol. Mr. Lucas came to see me the same night you came back from—”

“He did what?” It leaves me on a screech, and I’d be embarrassed if it weren’t for the shock of her admission. Why wouldn’t he tell me? Text me?

“Quit cutting me off, missy. It’s rude.”

“Sorry...” my countenance is contrite as I walk back over and sit on the edge where she’s perched now “...but when exactly did it happen? Where?”

“Don’t worry about that, Sol. I’m more concerned—hurt by the fact you kept falling in love from me. Do you not trust me?”

“Of course I do, but coming to share the news with their history isn’t feasible.”

“I could care less about some bullshit your grandfather started.”

“You really don’t care?”


“Thank God.” My exhale is heavy, and the relief is instant. “Keeping to myself and avoiding this topic is exhausting.” There’s a vibrating behind us and I reach back, picking up my cell and hitting ignore when I see it’s Laura calling me. Mom gives me a funny look. “She won’t leave me alone.”

“Something is up with that one.” She clicks her tongue in distaste.

A snort escapes. “You mean, other than chasing Signio?”

“Yes, smarty. Something about her involvement with him gives me a bad vibe.”

“Me too.” For a beat, we’re both quiet, but when there’s a knock on my door and Carlos asks if he can come in, I take note of the smile on her face. The way her eyes light up even though his tapping is a bit hurried. “Oh my God!”

“Kid, stop.”

“Carlos, Mom? He’s who you were talking about?”

“There’s nothing to confirm.”

“We’ll see.” With my eyes on hers, I smirk. “Come in, Carlos.”


“Veronica?” we say in unison, and Mom’s reaction mimics mine the second he steps into the room. Something isn’t right. His expression is one of worry, and more so with her here. “We need to leave, Solimar. Now.”

“What? Why?” Mom pleads, but he’s shaking his head and walking toward my vanity to pick up a pair of sandals I left there. “Talk to me, Carlitos. Q’hubo?”

My guard stops and turns to face us; he’s angry. “Your father knows, kiddo. He knows about your relationship with Alejandro.”

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