Page 83 of These Dead Promises

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“I’ll get my things,” I said, my stomach already tumbling at the thought of going back to Old Darling Hill.

I wanted to be here with Nix.

“Kye’s going to drive you. Chloe will probably tag along.”

“Okay.” I went to walk away but he snagged my wrist.

“One day, B, one day life will be different.”

“I have a favor to ask,” Chloe whispered as Kye drove us back across town. She flicked her eyes to the rearview mirror and back to me. “Will you give me Nate’s number?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“I’ve had worse ideas.” She grinned. “I like him, he’s… interesting. There’s something layered about him.”

“Did you ask him for his number?”

“With big brother glaring at me all night? What do you think?”

“I should probably ask him first,” I said. “I don’t want to make things weird.”

“Ask who, Kye?”

“Nate, stupid.”

Chloe poked her tongue out at me just as Kye piped up, “What are you two whispering about?”


“What the fuck, Clo? I don’t need to be hearing my little sister and my best friend’s girl talk about sex. Ew.”

She gave me a knowing smirk. “Why do you think we’re whispering?”

He muttered something under his breath. We’d already crossed into Old Darling Hill which set me on edge. They couldn’t drive me up to the house, so we’d decided they would drop me off at Miles’s house so I could ride back with Celeste.

“Are we going to see you soon?” she asked as Kye turned into the affluent neighborhood. The rows and rows of beautiful houses with their immaculate lawns and expensive cars in the driveway was worlds apart from The Row. But it felt nothing like home.

“Fancy,” Kye said, rolling to a stop a few houses down from the Mulligans’ place.

“Thanks for the ride. Can I ask a favor?”

He nodded.

“Can you check in on Nix later? I’m worried.”

“You and me both, B.” Kye gave me a tight smile. “You and me both.”

“I’ll text you later,” Chloe said, as I grabbed my bag and climbed out.

I texted Celeste.

Me: I’m here.

Celeste: Miles doesn’t bite, you can come inside.

Me: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Meet you at your car?

I wanted to get back and decompress.

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