Page 27 of These Dead Promises

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I pocketed my cell phone, still smiling from my brief text conversation with Nix, and headed for my locker.

“Oh look, if it isn’t Wilder’s pet,” Marc stepped into my way, smirking down at me.

“Move.” I went to move around him, but he followed my direction, cutting off my exit.

“Nuh-uh, say please.”

“Move, please.” I glowered at him, trembling with anger. He’d sent that text—or at least, one of his minions had. But I wouldn’t rise to it, I wouldn’t let him know how much he affected me.

“How was your weekend?” he asked, the perfect example of the-boy-next-door. But I knew better. I knew he was nothing more than the devil in sheep’s clothing.

“I’m not doing this,” I said, ducking around him. But he was too fast, too wily for me to slip past.

Damn him.

“And what is it you think we’re doing?” His brow went up, that smug smirk still painted on his face.

God, I hated him so much.

It was a strong word, an even stronger emotion, but I felt it in every fiber of my being.

I hated Marc Denby. Plain and simple.

“A little birdie told me you hung out with Nate on the weekend.”

“So what if I did?”

“You should be careful with the company you keep, Maguire. Nate is… messed up. Then again, I can see why you two would hit it off.”

“Nice, asshole. Real nice,” I mumbled before barging past him. This time, I didn’t stop, sending him careening into the locker bank.

“Fucking bitch,” he spluttered, righting himself.

“Oops,” I drawled, smug satisfaction spreading through my chest. “My bad.”

“Nate can’t protect you forever, you know?” he called after me. But I kept walking.

Nate wasn’t protecting me. He was… well, it was complicated. Even more complicated given that I didn’t know if he was responsible for Max knowing about me and Nix.

I let out a weary sigh as I made my way toward class. Nate would be there and so would Angela. Just what I didn’t need.

He’d texted me yesterday and I’d all but avoided him. I didn’t want to accuse him of anything, but Max knew something, and it was highly unlikely Nix, Chloe, or the guys had been the ones to tell him. Which left Celeste, Nate, and Miles. I trusted Celeste; she’d given me no reason not to. As for Miles, he seemed a little scared of Nix and the guys, so I couldn’t imagine him saying anything to anyone. Plus, he wanted to stay in Celeste’s good books.

Which left Nate.

Just as I reached the classroom, my cell phone vibrated. I quickly dug it out of my bag and smiled when I saw the photo message.

Clo: Thought you’d appreciate this.

It was a photo of Nix mid-play, his hands up around the ball, and his white pants fitting very snugly over his ass.

Me: Does he know you took this?

Clo: What do you think?

I chuckled, and before I could type out a reply, another text came through.

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