Page 26 of These Dead Promises

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I let out a weary sigh, scrubbing my jaw. “What do you want, Cherri?”

“I… I just wanted to say I get it, okay? She’s your lobster.”

“My what?” My brows pinched.

“You know, Friends?”

“You’re quoting Friends at me?” What the fuck was happening right now?

“I’m just saying, I get it. I can’t compete with her. I never could.”

“Cher, I don’t know what you think you know, but there’s nothing going on with me and Harleigh.” The lie was bitter on my tongue but I needed to throw her off Harleigh’s scent for as long as possible.

Her soft smile morphed into something darker, something with more bite. “We’ll see,” she said. “See you around, Nix.”

Sauntering off, Cherri took the air with her. It hadn’t been a threat, but it sure felt like one. Or maybe the Queen Bitch of Darling Hill High had simply had a change of heart.

I didn’t buy it, but whatever.

I dug my cell phone out of my pocket again and clenched my teeth at the blank screen.

Why hadn’t she texted me?

I was trying to give Harleigh space, to let her come to me, but it was fucking with my head. What if her brother had outed us to her father? What if she was suddenly having doubts about me? About us? What if—

The vibration of my cell startled me and relief slammed into me as her name flashed up.

B: Monday mornings suck.

Me: Mine just got considerably better.

I didn’t even bother trying to fight the grin tugging at my mouth.

B: You are such a cheeseball. Good luck at practice.

Me: I wish you were going to be here to watch.

B: Nix…

Me: I know, I know. But you’ll be at the game Friday, right?

B: I’ll try. I have to go, morning bell just rang.

Me: Okay, have a good day. I’ll text you later.

B: Bye, Nix xo

Me: Bye, B xo

“Let me guess, she finally texted?” Zane asked, strolling over to me.

“Yeah.” I smiled, re-reading the message thread. It wasn’t anything life-changing, but she’d texted me. It was enough, for now.

He shook his head, slinging his arm over my shoulder. “Jesus, you have it bad.”

I bit down on my lip and smiled.

He had no fucking idea.

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