Page 112 of These Dead Promises

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So I fired up the engine, pulled a U-turn and headed straight out of Old Darling Hill with only one place in mind.

The mill was the same as the last time we’d been here, except things felt more strained between us. Harleigh had barely said two words on the ride over, staring out of the window like a statue.

It was unnerving to see her so quiet and still.

I pulled over by the building and cut the engine. “B, look at me,” I said softly.

It was enough to coax her out of her trance and she blinked up at me. “Yeah?”

“Do you want to go inside?”

“O-okay.” She nodded and I studied her for a second, but she seemed to look right past me. Through me.

Shouldering the door, I went around to her side and helped her out. She gripped my hand tightly as we walked toward the building. I didn’t like it: the silence, the utter feeling of helplessness coursing through me. I wanted to help her—to fix her—but as I was quickly learning, it wasn’t that simple.

Usually when I had a problem, I sorted it with words or actions, or sometimes even my fists. But Harleigh’s demons weren’t some living, breathing thing I could fight for her. Some monster I could slay.

The second we reached the office and slipped inside, my heart rate kicked up a gear. The last time we’d been here, I’d had her naked and under me, and it was really fucking hard not to let my mind wander to that night.

“Tell me what you need, B. What can I do?”

“Just… lie with me.” She sounded so drained, so empty. It was like a bullet through my heart.

We laid down and I pulled her into my arms, resting my chin on her head as she rested her cheek on my chest.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “That I’m not normal. That I don’t—”

“Stop. Stop right there.” I gently gripped her chin, tilting her face up to mine. “You have nothing to apologize for. Not a damn thing.”

Harleigh’s lip wobbled but she fought against the tears threatening to fall, swallowing them down.

“Shh, B. Don’t cry. Please, don’t cry.” I leaned in, kissing the end of her nose. Her eyelids flickered closed, and I kissed those too, sliding my mouth over her clammy skin.

Harleigh inhaled a ragged breath, her entire body shuddering.

“I got you,” I whispered, my voice breaking. “I got you.”

Slowly, Harleigh’s breathing evened out and I realized she’d fallen asleep.

What the fuck had happened?

I managed to dig my cell phone out of my pocket and one-handedly texted Max.

Me: What the hell happened?

Max: She got into it this morning with my mom and dad…


I should have known it would be something to do with Michael. I would have known if she’d told me.

Gazing down at her, I ground my teeth together, trying to make some of the tension dissipate.

Harleigh didn’t need to protect me from this. Didn’t she realize I’d walk over burning hot coals if it meant protecting her. Standing at her side.

She let out a small whimper, nestling closer. I smiled. Even in her dreams she reached for me. That’s what I wanted; that’s how it was supposed to be.

Another text came through.

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