Page 102 of These Dirty Lies

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“Yeah, whatever. Let’s go.” I spun around and stormed off, fighting my natural instinct to stay with her. To protect her.

“Hey, man. Where’s Harleigh?” Miller asked as I blew past him. “Wilder, where’s—”

But I was gone.

I needed to get the fuck out of here, anger descending over me like a red mist.

The whole situation was fucked.

“Whoa, Nix, calm down.” Zane caught up with me as I followed the shadowy path back toward the party. We’d only wandered down here because Cherri turned up and decided to try to get a rise out of me by draping herself all over Hench.

I really didn’t give a fuck who she did or didn’t get with. But I couldn’t stand his smug expression as they’d stood across the bonfire, practically dry-fucking. Zane had seen my fist clench, seen the anger build, and suggested we walk it off.

Movement over by the water tank had caught my eye and we’d decided to check it out. I’d never expected to find Birdie though. Hanging out with Nate Miller, her eyes bloodshot and constricted.

“Motherfucker.” I kicked a stone, sending it flying across the ground.

“Feel better?” Zane snorted.

“Fuck you, Z. Fuck you.”

“What happened?”

“A whole bunch of shit I’d rather not talk about.”

He tsked. “Went that well, huh?”

“What happened with Chloe?”

“Kye got a message saying she needs bailing out from some party in Dartmouth.”

A trickle of unease went through me. “She okay?”

“Not sure. He tried to call her back, but she wouldn’t answer.”


“Yeah, so we need to hurry the fuck up.”

“What are we waiting for?”

Maybe I couldn’t fix the shit with Harleigh, but I could be there for Kye and Chloe. She was as good as family. And if anyone had even tried to hurt…

Well, it wouldn’t end well for them.

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