Page 29 of Beautiful Ruin

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“Because you’re still hoping you two can ride off into the sunset on a yacht together?”

“He doesn’t like boats.”

“When he got you the yacht last year…”

“He thought I wanted it.”

Annie sighs, and even Beck’s brows pull together.

“What are you thinking?” I ask. I don’t usually solicit input, but next to my cousin, these two are my closest, most trusted friends. And unlike Callie, they understand the complications of living life in the spotlight.

“Queen’s gotta help her King,” Beck says wryly.

“It’s not about Harrison,” I insist. “It’s a public service. Anything I find, I’ll pass on to the police.”

“But if it gets you hurt,” Annie adds, “I will kill him.”

* * *

Your first night playing a club is partly a crapshoot—the crowd, the weather, all of it can conspire to make your set a party to remember or one to forget. The second night is when you find out if you’ve got it.

Tonight for Bliss, I choose a white dress that resembles leather but isn’t. It’s fitted, but the fabric has a little give so I can move, and it’s not as hot in the booth. White sandals top off the look.

“You’re coming with me?” I ask Ash as I put the finishing touches on my makeup.

“Think I’ll lay low for the evening.” He frowns. “All the talk about drugs… I’d rather keep my distance.”

Realization hits me. “Understood.” I check the edges of my wig to ensure none of my hair shows beneath. “I get that you didn’t want to tell Harrison you were buying, but why didn’t you tell him what you saw?”

“I’d rather not say. But it would hurt him if he knew.”

“I can keep a secret. I can be loyal to you as much as to him.”

“Yeah. But you shouldn’t have to be.” He comes up behind me, and his gaze meets mine in the mirror.

I fold my arms over my chest. “Just tell me one thing—are you talking with the police?”

He nods. “I told them I’d give them all I know. It’s not much, but it’s compelling.”

The reason he knew he was buying Mischa’s drugs in a London club still eludes me, but I trust him.

“Fine. Has Harrison said anything about the investigation into your parents?”

“No. Why?”

Fuck. That means Harrison’s been shouldering this alone for the better part of a year. “He was looking into it last year, back when he was still trying to buy La Mer from Christian.”

I brush past Ash and grab my phone, cursing as I realize I forgot to recharge it after my call with Annie and Beck. “Hey, did you do something to piss off Beck? You seem to have made an impression on him on the yacht last year.”

He shoves his hands in the pockets of his shorts, his mouth twisting. “I seem to make terrible impressions on all men.”

“That asshole on your team doesn’t deserve you. You’ll find someone who does.”

Ash smirks. “I want someone I don’t deserve. Like Harry found.”

* * *

My chest tightens as I head to the show.

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