Page 78 of Twisted Love

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That rasp, softened by fondness, is for my earsalone.

“Friends don’t let friends suffer through calls sexually frustrated. They might make terrible businessdecisions.”

He snorts in surprise, the sound making my lips twitch,too.

His fingers thread in my hair, stroking my scalp in a way that feels way toogood.

It spurs meon.

I unfasten the bottom button of his shirt, then graze my nails down the silky skin over his tautabs.

He shudders as I wrap my hand around his cock once more, squeezing hard at the base. “Getcomfortable.”

“Impossible,” he grinds out. His hand tightens on thearmrest.

“If I move forward, will I be in the frame?” I murmur from myknees.

He flexes under my touch, a ghost of a smile on his face as he meets my gaze for a fleeting second. “No. But you’ll be in my fuckingdreams."

This is going to be one memorable videocall.

My heart hammering a seductive and foreign rhythm against my back, I shift forward to lean my weight on the chair between his spreadthighs.

I lick a trail up the underside of his shaft, my tongue darting over the bead of moisture at his tip under his heavy-liddedgaze.

Ben’s rough exhale iseverything.

But it’s the look of anticipation on his face that has me unable to resist parting my lips at the end of the next lick to take him into mymouth.

He told me once he liked watching mestruggle.

I like watching him struggletoo.

When I suck him in as far as he’ll go, every muscle in him tightens atonce.

His hips flex in the chair, the hard lines of his abs rippling as I summon everything I’ve ever learned about giving an epicblowjob.

I use each ounce of my attention to detail to memorize what makes him breathe more shallowly, what makes his musclesclench.

I build him up with my hands, my mouth, wanting all of him. Listening to him interact with the call occasionally, his voice dark andshallow.

Suddenly he utters a long, low groan that has me stiffening inalarm.

I hope the walls are soundproof. Ifnot…

He unmutes. “Gentlemen, you’re going to have to excuse me for two minutes. I’ll be rightback.”

He slams the lid of his notebook, yanking off the headphones and tossing them on the desk. “I’m gonna come,” he growls. “If you don’t want me to do it in your mouth, this is your first and lastwarning.”

His hand fists in my hair along with the warning—not to hold me on him, to give me the chance to backoff.


I want all of Ben, and it doesn’t stophere.

I meet his gaze as I take him as far back as Ican.

He realizes what I’m doing and grips metighter.

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