Page 60 of Twisted Love

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That the heart beating in my chest sounds different when she’s around, and whatever superpower I’ve been exercising to ignore that fact is fading afterweeks.



“The women were great,” she goes on at last. “They let loose and it felt like a real relationship.” She sighs happily. “I haven’t had that in so long. I have that with my girls at work, but it’s not the same. Not sinceVi.”

My chest tightens. “I know. I’m sorry,sweetheart.”

I can’t replace her sister. But when she shoots me a look, it doesn’t seem like she’s thinking about hersister.

I drop her hand and Daisy turns, her hips sinking against the vanity, the bright bulbs reflecting on her smooth back above thedress.

“When they told me there was one bed, first I thought, that’s a bad idea. He’s going to be so close all night. And you were. I woke up early in the morning and you were holding me and itfelt…”

“How did it feel?” I need the answer more than I’ve neededanything.

She inspects the bandage on her hand before letting it fall back to her side. “It feltright.”

I exhalehard.

Daisy’s watching me like she wants me every bit as much as I wanther.

Not taking advantage of my beautiful, tipsy friend tonight will be hard, especially after spending today with her, realizing what it could be like. As if maybe I’m missingsomething.

“Tell you what,” I say, “I’ll run you a bath. You get into yourpajamas.”

She heads out to the room while I strip off my tie and roll up my sleeves and run the bath. Then I straighten, seeing her in something that’s definitely not what Iexpected.

“Are you ready?” She brushes past me in her strapless black bra, her breasts spilling over the top, and matchingpanties.

I can’t resist cutting a look over my shoulder. The sight of her ass in that thong is sweet heaven and hell atonce.

“D, those aren’tpajamas.”

“I’ll put them on later,” she insists, waving her bandagedhand.


I'm a decent man, but I'm no hero and I've never aspired to be. It takes muscles I didn't know I had to get out of there. To sit on the bed, reading stock markets and political shit to get my dick under control and erase the sight of her in thatlingerie.

When that fails, I take a page from her book and summonreason.

Pros and cons of fucking my bestfriend.

Pro. She’s stunningly, arrestingly beautiful, and affects me like no one has in a longtime.

Pro. If I do it, I’ll stop thinking about how it feels to be so deep inside her she forgets everything that’s notme.

Pro. I’d give half my personal equity portfolio to hear the sound she makes when shecomes.

Con. She’s my best friend. I can’t cross thatline.

Con. She’s buzzed andbleeding.

Con. See previous. For fuck’s sake,man.

Pro. I’m definitely feeling something for her and I think she has feelings for me. We’re adults and we deserve to play thatout.

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