Page 48 of Twisted Love

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“Thank you,” Ben says dryly. “She owesme.”

“I tricked him out of dinner the other night,” Iexplain.


“You say that like it’s a compliment,” I reply as Kendall and Rena leave and I head for my office, Ben on myheels.


I set my computer on my desk and grab lipstick out of my drawer. It’s my turn to catch him staring as I reapplyit.

“I’ve never seen a woman put on lipstick. It’ssexy."

He’s leaning near the door, a relaxed animal that could spring into action at anymoment.

“Really?” Iask.

“Yes. It makes me imagine how you’d wear itoff.”

Heat floods my body at his husky voice. I gather my things and he meets me in the middle of the smalloffice.

"Ben...why are you doingthis?”

He frowns. "I want to be a good boyfriend. Does there have to be areason?"

Yes. Because if there's not, I'm going to start imagining you just want to.I was concerned it might be hard to pull off this charade, but the only hard part is remembering this is supposed to be forshow.

As he leads me out of the office, I can’t help turning over how the last couple of days I’ve been slammed with work, but when I’m not, I think of him. As much as I care for him, I’ve always tried to confine him to part of my mind, and my heart. He’s bleeding into the rest of myconsciousness.

The desire on his face feels real. The warmth in his eyes can’t possibly stop at friendship. Canit?

We reach street level and he holds the door, his hand on my back as I pass through. He falls into step next tome.

“You going to tell me where we’re eating?” Iask.

“It’s asurprise.”

“I guess I am hungry. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot some clients and missed lunchtoday.”

“Then it’s a good thing I came to collect you. Can’t have my girlfriendstarving.”

We take the subway a handful of stops, and when we emerge, it’s another block to the side door of a walk-up. The restaurant is on an open rooftop, strung with fairy lights. It’s simple and elegant, not to mentionromantic.

I smile at the setup. “This isbeautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.” His boyish grin looks pleased. “I’ve never brought anyonehere.”

We take our seats at a reserved table, one of only half a dozen on the rooftop, and I tilt my face up to take in the waning fallsky.

The woman who comes out to greet us looks to be midforties and strong, her hair tugged back in a low bun and her smile generous as she hugsBen.

“Haven’t seen you in a long time,” she chastises, shaking her finger athim.

“Cara, this isDaisy.”

She smiles at me. “I’m glad you brought mesomeone.”

We catch up for a few minutes, and when she grabs us menus before leaving, Ben says, “Two of her kids attend programming for Soar, the mental health non-profit whose board I sit on.” He doesn’t disclose the specifics, and I wouldn’t expect him to. “Cara tried to access various programs before, but they weren’t configured to make it easy for working single moms. A lot of the healthcare system assumes we can drop everything to attend to these challenges. And we can, but it just means more challenges on the other side. Anyway, since then, they’ve been much more focused. Which Cara says has made it easier for her to say yes to opening thisrestaurant.”

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