Page 37 of Twisted Love

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I rise and cross from my seat discreetly a few feet away, where I’ve been keeping one ear on the interview while I respond to a few other clientemails.

Aiden turns toward her, frowning. “We discussed this and we decided you'd move back to a boardseat.”

She smiles. “We discussed it, and youdecided.”

"Mr. Vane," the interviewer says, breaking into the tense silence, "there have been fingers pointed about your involvement in the acquisition of these new resorts. That your dealings with the company you bought them from weren'taboveboard."

I clear my throat, stepping between them and the interviewer. “Aiden has answered those baseless rumors already to the satisfaction of the public and the New York prosecutor's office. No charges were laid because he did nothing wrong. I think we’re done fortoday.”

“But I have another fewquestions—”

“If none focus on Aiden and Camila's wedding, we'll have to tablethem.”

I walk her to the door, promising she can follow up. After I watch her head down the hall, I spin on my heel and tug the heavy oak door closed after me, taking in myclients.

“The fuck was that?” Aiden states,rising.

“She can't prevent them from asking,” Camila points out. "How did you evenknow?"

I square my shoulders. “You didn't tell me, but it's my job to know. So I looked intoit."

“But you assume I did something wrong." His steely gaze hardens onmine.

"I assume things are more complicated than they appear and I like to give my clients the benefit of the doubt. But when they’re not upfront with me, yes, I’ll do my best to prepare however Ican."

Aiden stalks past me and out thedoor.

When he’s gone, Camila says, “I’m sorry. You did well. And you’re right about one thing. None of us are perfect.” Her smile is kind. “I know we’re taking up a lot of your time, and I know you’re well compensated for it. Richard wouldn’t have it any other way. But I appreciate what you’re giving up forthis.”

“It’s noproblem.”

“Come on.” Her knowing look has me relaxing a few degrees. “Let me guess. You’ve shifted other clients to your team. Rearranged everything. I know because Richard expects it ofeveryone.”

“It’s a big opportunity for us. Small sacrifices in the short run for something bigger thanmyself.”

Her sigh is loud and surprisingly honest. “I understand it better than youimagine.”

When she leaves, I cross to the floor-to-ceiling windows and press a hand against myeyes.

My email is exploding with actual clients, ideas from Kendall and Rena and my other employees. When I check my calendar, I notice I forgot some files at home for an afternoonmeeting.

My brain and my calendar are a mess thanks to the Vane wedding. Now, I need to add to my schedule for this afternoon running interference to find out what reallyhappened.

This will pay off for my company, I remind myself as I head back to my apartment, which I never do in the middle of the day.And this month will be worth it if I can pay Lily'stuition.

We all have our strengths, and leaning into them is the best thing we can do. Lil’s the smartest kid I know, and nothing interferes with herschoolwork.

I resist the temptation to grab another coffee on the way home. Last night, I struggled to get to sleep, and it wasn’t Aiden and Camila’s fault—at least not directly. Yes, I did some more digging based on what Ben told me, but that was when I already couldn’tsleep.

When I finally got to sleep, I was tormented by adream.

Ben and I are sitting in a parked car in thedark.

My heart pounding through my back against theseat.

He leans over the console, catching my hair where it's somehow gotten stuck in thedoor.

Instead of pulling back, he stays close, our faces inches apart. The tension rises from nowhere, thick and undeniable andhot.

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