Page 12 of Twisted Love

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I lean back against the door. “I don’t want a million women. I wantyou.”

Daisy meets my gaze in the mirror,laughing.

“Come on. You don’t even know the details. It’s on our night, so I know you don’t haveplans.”

She scrubs at her shirt. “We’ve been hanging out every Friday for eightyears."

"Which means it'sunshakeable."

Daisy cuts me an unreadable look from under a fringe of dark lashes. “Or… maybe it’s run itscourse.”

Cue recordscratch.

“We’re adults. We have jobs and lives and responsibilities,” she goes on, as if she didn’t turn my world upside down a breathbefore.

“Which is why fucking off every week together matters more. We don’t have to pretend with eachother.”

“What about when you start dating someone who wants your Fridaynights?”

“I’ll manage herexpectations.”

She balls up the paper towel and tosses it in the garbage before turning to face me. “Then what if Ido?”

It takes a lot to render me speechless, but her words doit.

Yesterday, I didn’t blink before paying that guy in the boarding lounge for his ticket so I could getback.

I didn’t regret taking a limo straight from La Guardia to my friend’s apartment and letting myself in, because our nights together aresacred.

Last night, I felt as if she was pulling away, but I was tired enough from my day that it took a while for the sinking sensation to kick in. Now I'm thinking of her sitting on the floor in that dress too nice for playing videogames.

She’s dated people, and so have I—no one who interfered with our friendship,though.

Now, I'm thinking the guy she was on her way to see last night could be the one who changesthings.

“You’re dumping me,” I state, only halfjoking.

“No. We’re friends, and we always willbe.”

“I need you to be more than myfriend.”

Her expression is incredulous, dark eyes wide. “What do youmean?”

“Xavier has this crazy idea I need a partner if I'm going to succeed him.” I fill her in on this morning’s conversation. “I’d be the youngest senior partner ever. Xavier seems to think Holt’s worthy of emulation. He can’t seriously be thinking about appointing him over me, but I’m not taking the chance. The firm needs to be in good hands, which means smart decisions and actualleadership.”

Her mouth screws up in that look that says she’sthinking.

“Just pretend to be my girlfriend for one night. I need Xavier to not worry aboutme.”

“Maybe he should be worried aboutyou.”

I scoff. “There’s nothing wrong with me, and you are the last person to judge someone for how they live. You run a company that's all about understanding people, meeting them where theyare.”

Her finger digs into my chest. “And I didn't start it so people could lie to oneanother.”

I cup her face in my hands. “You’re saying you won’t do this forme?”

Daisy folds her arms over her chest. “You want me to dress up and parade around on your arm. Gaze up at you adoringly. Flirt withyou.”

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