Page 99 of Easy Love

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Her startled face greets me—us—as she opens the door. “Wesley.”

“Hi. We were in theneighborhood.”

She welcomes us in, and I introduce Rena andBeck.

If Rena’s surprised, she gets over itfast.

“Sorry to spring this on you, Mom, but we needed dinner and thought you mighttoo.”

I take a quick poll on orders, then I leave Rena and my mom. Beck’s inspecting a shelf of DVDs as if they’re rare artifacts as I duck into the hallway to place the order. When I finish and go back to the living room, mom and Rena are talking about animals. Her skunk, the dogs at my mom’sclinic.

“My skunk likes Wes, and Scrunchie’s particular.” My mom’s jaw hits the floor. “Why do you look sosurprised?”

“Wesley hatesanimals.”

“That’s not true,” I protest, because sociopaths hate animals and I don’t want the woman I’m sleeping with to think I’mevil.

“It’s because one attacked him as achild.”

The banter goes on, and I’m dropped out ofit.

Until I hear Beck volunteer, “We had a dog once. It was basically Rena’sdog.”

Her face shutters. “Beck.”

I lean in. “Really? I figured Scrunchie was your firstpet.”

She looks uncomfortable. “No.”

“Did he die?” My mom offers,sympathetic.

“I’m sure he did. But I didn’t see it. Is there a bathroom I coulduse?”

I look between Rena and Beck. There’s more to this story, but I’m getting the red light. “Sure.”

My mom’s attention comes back to me. “Honey, can I talk to you?” I follow her into the hall. She glances back toward the other room. “This was a treat. Instead of one guest, I got three.” She smiles. “I’m glad you’re seeingsomeone.”

I rub a hand over my neck. “Yeah. It’s not serious. But it’s good. We’regood.”

I start to head back to the living room when I see Rena in the doorway. I wonder how much of that sheheard.

“Sorry to interrupt,” she says with a tentativesmile.

“Not atall.”

My mom excuses herself and Rena follows me into my father’s den, the only place we’re likely to get a moment ofprivacy.

Most of his things are gone now, and only a few boxesremain.

“You brought me to meet your mom?” she asksquietly.

“I know I sprung it on you. And before you ask, I’m sure she’ll get some ideas aboutus.”

She tilts up her face. “Like I think her son’s amazing and that’s why I’m putting up with my little brother just to drive around withhim?”

I suck in a long breath, then let it out slow. “Yeah, likethat.”

Rena’s smile feels like a secret betweenus.

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