Page 93 of Easy Love

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“What if someone needsit?”

She shoots me a look. “We’ll be fiveminutes.”

“Speak foryourself.”


If there’s a man on earth who can say no to that, I’d love to meethim.

I follow her in, slamming the door, then pressing her against it so I can claim hermouth.

Before we go further, I pause, holding my mouth away from hers. “You can. Count onme.”

“I know.” Her eyes close and she presses up on hertoes.

I deny her again, and shegroans.

“I don’t want this to mess up our friendship,” I say under my breath. “Because I don’t have a lot of people Itrust.”

Her expression melts. “We won’t. I’d pinkie swear, but there’re other parts I’d rather be interlocking rightnow.”

I tug her shirt out of her skirt and grab her perfect breasts, and I swear I could die right now and not regret athing.

She replies in kind, touching me, kissing me, with the samefervor.

Both of us are breathing hard by the time I reach for the button on my pants. I freeze. “Tell me you have acondom.”

Her green eyes go from half-lidded to wide in a heartbeat. “You don’t… didn’t you come down here to seeme?”

“Of course I came to see you. But I didn’t come down here expecting this.” I glancedown.

The emotion that streaks through her eyes seems important, but it’s gone before I can name it. The smile playing at the corner of her mouth soothes the sudden tension in my body. “You don’t needone.”

This got real fast. It takes a second for me to put the right words together. “I don’t like the idea of going bareback with someone who’s sleeping with otherpeople.”

Rena folds her arms over her chest, lifting her chin so her eyes flash in the dim overhead bulb. “I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.” Those words affect me more than her hungry gaze. “When I’m with you, I don’t think about anyone else, Wes. When I’m not with you, I don’t think of anyone elseeither.”

A dozen thoughts explode in my brain at once, but I shove them aside. Of all the moments to be present in, this is theone.

Rena’s beautiful, her curves bare to my hands, and between her thighs, she’s slick. Because she wants this. Wantsme.

And I more than wanther.

I clear my throat. “Okaythen.”

Her lips curve. “Okay then,” shewhispers.

I can’t stop thinking about her. I want to be with her and protect her, and I want her to have the things shewants.

And I want to be the one to give them toher.


I’ve never felt that way before, but as she bends under my hands, pants against my mouth, it’strue.

I stroke my hands down her sides, positioning myself at her entrance. She arches her hips against me, impatient. I groan with the effort of denying her even for amoment.

“What is it?” shewhispers.

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