Page 47 of Easy Love

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Those four words, the little inflection at theend.

I’m almost tricked into believing she gives a shit what the answeris.

“I didn’t check. I’m here to sell this app and get my jobback.”

Her smile slips. “And after that? I mean, if everyone has a code, then someone out there is their opposite, and you want to find out who it is. Isn’t that thepoint?”

“In theory,” I agree, my gaze lingering on herface.

Hell, this woman gets under my skin. But more than that, she’s getting in myhead.

“There you are, Rena!” She looks past me toward the voice. The redhead from Rena’s office appears, her gaze landing on me. “Sorry it took so long. I had to help the babysitter find everything so Rory could make soufflé before I left.” She acknowledges me. “Hiagain.”


Rena’s attention comes back to me. “Thank you. For the photography. I’ll let you know how the dategoes.”

I’m glad we’re making plans to talk, but I’m reminded why we are—because this isbusiness.

I clear my throat. “Good. It’ll give me ideas for nexttime.”

“Next time?” Her lips part, her gaze flicking to my mouth andback.

“Next time I market it toBen.”

“Right.” But she’s not thinking about theapp.

That makes two ofus.


I feel the way she says my name all the way to mytoes.



Rena: So, my date tomorrow. Are there rules? Like we have to smell each other before theappetizer?

Wes: Yeah. Then you have to cut each other’s palms open and press them together. The DNA blends and writes your name on your napkin if it’s meant tobe.

Rena: Are you joking about your seriousscience?

Wes: Don’t tellanyone.

* * *

“Who can tellme about the Hardy-Weinbergprinciple?”

I scan the room of twenty students, each dressed in a navy-and-green uniform. Their expressions are a mix of boredom and smirking, which I’d credit to the fact that it’s nearly Friday, except I can’t distinguish these expressions from the Mondayones.

“Mr. Armitage,” I say to the back of a dark head second row from theback.

“It states that in absence of intervention, allele and genotype frequencies will remain the same in the population from generation to generation, unless there are outsideinterventions.”

He’s reading from histextbook.

But, hey, at least he canread.

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