Page 29 of Easy Love

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“No. They have a boutique where you can go and experience itfirsthand.”

“Huh. Can we meet next week? I need to finish fighting this fire before theweekend.”

“Sure thing,” she says as I gather my things. “And too bad about that guy Wes. He was seriously cute. It sucks you have to tell himno.”

“Mmm,” I say,noncommittal.

I found myself thinking of Wes more than once sinceTuesday.

When I ordered my favorite vegan bowl with steak forlunch.

When a friend posted on social about her hellish online datingexperience.

Anytime I saw a guy in a suit with light brown hair, I’d look to see if his eyes wereblue.

But once I tell him no, I’m never seeing himagain.

It shouldn’t be a bigdeal.

I can forget his mouth, firm with a hint of give. The hard body that had me itching to run my hands under hisjacket.

It would be easier to forget Wes if he didn’t make such an impression when weweren’tkissing. Spending an hour at his lab, watching him nerd out, was kind of fascinating. He’s not my usual type, but his competence was a serious turnon.

And then, there was the email Wes sent me while Rory and I had been stirring risotto, followed by the text messages that had me crackingup.

“You are telling him no, right?” Kendall’s voice cuts into mythoughts.

I clear my throat. “What else would I tellhim?”

With a suspicious look, Kendall returns to hercomputer.

* * *

Over the afternoon,I finish redrafting the campaign for my client, catch up on some billings, then RSVP to a couple of brandevents.

It’s after five when a text comesin.

I’ve sent my brother a flurry of texts since he took my car—at first angry, later asking whether he’sokay.

All my texts have goneunanswered.


Beck:Dad doesn’t think I’m okay. Apparently he hacked my therapist’srecords.

“What is it?”Kendall asks, glancing up from hercomputer.

“My brother’s being a little asshole, but this? This is notokay.”

I textback.

Rena:Where ishe?

Beck:Probably theclub.

Igo downto my car. Sure enough, it’s beentowed.

I send up a curse at my brother and the world in general. This is what I get for being involved. Why I was so grateful to get out of here in the firstplace.

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