Page 117 of Easy Love

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Something wet accosts my hand, and I glance down at the beast eager to get in on theaffection.

“You should probably just keep the dog,” I mutter. “You’ll have a hard time finding a family to call himBucket.”



“Hello?”I call as I make my way up the steps of the tourbus.

“Hey!” The freckled face greeting me is accompanied by asqueal.

“Child, you keep getting more gorgeous.” Annie beams. “Haley backthere?”


Another form emerges. This one’s rangy, with glowing amber eyes and “it’s naturally this messy” hair. This form I recognize from posters and the internet, and later fromcampaigns.

“Jax.” I hug the biggest rock star in the world because he’s marrying myfriend.

“What’s in there?” He nods at the giant bag slung over myshoulder.

“Top secret. Girlsonly.”

Haley emerges from the back, a teenager intow.

“Hi, Tyler,” Isay.


He checks me out. Flushes as though he knows he got caught.Hormones.

I raise a brow in Haley’s direction because the attitude’s new and I think his voice has dropped an octave since I saw himlast.

His hair hasn’t changed though. That’s been shades of blue, pink, or green for as long as I’ve knownhim.

“Annie,” I say, “Haley and I have some wedding planning to do. Do you want to come withus?”

Her gaze has cooled since I came in. “I think I’llpass.”

I follow Haley down the steps of Jax’s tour bus and unlock the car. “What happened inthere?”

“Annie’s got a thing forTyler.”

“He’s what, two yearsolder?”

“And he sings and plays guitar.” I shake my head. “I’ll still be here when she decides hoes over bros is the way togo.”

Haley laughs, sliding into the car next to me. I put it into gear and start toward ourdestination.

“Can I confess something? I’m already slightly regretting allowing you to throw me an engagement party,” Haleysays.

“It’s not a party. It’s barely brunch. And just a small group. Lita. Wendy. Annie, of course. Half a dozen others.” I scratch my head as we drive to a restaurant close by, a pub we used to frequent. “Actually, given the kid is going to be there, some of your gifts might not be groupappropriate.”

She narrows her eyes. “Serena…”

“I’m going to give you part of your engagement gift now. It’s in mybag.”

She turns to the back seat, rummages through my bag, and pulls out a pink-and-gold package. Then she tugs at the bow, unwraps the book, and stares at the cover. “It’s a sexbook.”

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