Page 65 of Wolf Gifted

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"Shift," I commanded with a stern voice.

My mates complied, removing their clothes from their body and relaxing themselves into the shift. For Kao and Joaquin, they took it further, shifting into their Lycan forms that the Wolf Moon granted them. Since Byron was late to the party, his connection was only a seedling, which meant he was only in his wolf form. The timing was perfect as we heard the distant howl coming from town, alerting us that our enemies were in our territory.

"Joaquin and Kao, get ready. Byron, with me," I said.

My two Lycan mates jumped over the porch and spread out, each taking one side of the lodge to guard. Byron moved to my side. His wet nose moving up to sniff my face before licking my cheek. I smiled and scratched behind his ear. "I'm sorry you haven't reached your Lycan form yet, but just hold on until tonight."

"As long as I can protect you, I don't care what form I take," Byron's voice echoed in my head through our mate bond.

The air comprised of gun shots and explosions as the fight began. It was hard to tell what was going on or who was winning. I could only hope everyone would be okay.

"We got some stragglers who are reaching the rose field," Del gave me the heads up. Five minutes later, she shouted, "Rosie, you got company coming."

We sure did. I saw roughly ten to fifteen wolves who made it this far to find me and my mates. Once they made it through the path and on our property, Joaquin and Kao jumped in and tackled them. The wolves piled onto both of them, sinking their teeth and claws into their bodies, but thanks to their third forms, my boys could handle it. Three wolves saw an opening to come for me since Joaquin and Kao were occupied. When they charged, Byron roared and intercepted them. I quickly shifted as well, taking on the last one while Byron fought off the other two.

As soon as my wolf surfaced, she tackled the rogue wolf before he could do it. We rolled in the grass, trying to get at the other's throat. I'd been in a few fights prior to this, so I knew how to handle myself and make sure my neck wasn't exposed to them. We separated and backed up, teeth bared as we stared each other down. There was a yip and a thump as another wolf crumbled beside us. My opponent took his eyes off me for one second when he noticed. That was his big mistake. Using his momentary diversion, I pounced slamming against him as hard as I could, then snapped my jaw around the skin of his neck and ripped it to shreds.

Rule one in a fight, never take your eyes off your opponent.

The victory was short lived as I was soon ambushed by four others who managed to get past Del and her mates. One on my own, I could handle, but four against one were not great odds. In my desperate attempts to fight them off, I noticed that Byron was also struggling with five wolves instead of two now, and Joaquin and Kao had their hands full with trying to keep more of them from getting passed them.

A feral uproar clamored from above as Rowan jumped down from one of the balconies upstairs, the ground shaking beneath his feet when he landed. With a swipe of both of his claws, he backhanded the wolves that were on top of me. One of them crashed through the porch rails and slammed against the wall.

"Ventus!" Roxanne's voice echoed before a gust of wind whistled from out of nowhere, blowing the wolves off Byron and pushing back the ones that Joaquin and Kao were fending off.

While I killed the wolf I had underneath me, Rowan and Byron took care of the other ones I was dealing with. I shifted back and Rowan helped me to my feet. I was panting, and my muscles were sore, but thankfully I was okay and so were the boys. But this wasn't working.

"We need a new plan. We can't hold them back like this," I said loudly.

"I got it," Roxanne said, pulling out her lighter and cigarette.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wondering why she was picking now to smoke a cigarette.

"About to give them an obstacle. Ignis." Roxanne chanted before putting the lit cigarette between her lips and inhaled. When she blew out, instead of the usual smoke, Roxanne breathed out a stream of fire. Joaquin and Kao rightfully backed away as Roxanne moved from left to right, breathing out a trail of flames that acted as a wall. The wolves that were running towards us either backed away or were incinerated when they were too close. Chances were the first row of rose bushes wouldn't survive, but that was a problem for another day. The flames did what Roxanne was hoping it would do; lessen the chances of wolves coming through. The ones that were bold enough to try and jump over it were immediately taken out by Joaquin and Kao upon landing.

"So far so good," Byron said, shifting back into his human form.

Yeah, but this seemed easier than I thought. Granted I didn't know how bad it was in town, but something was off. "Where are Pierce and Mordred. And where's Kai?"

"I'm right here, Rosie."

I gasped and all heads turned to the far right where a familiar voice responded. Someone slowly stepped out of the shadows from the valley of trees and revealed himself in the light. The color drained from my face when I recognized who it was. My heart stuttered at the sight of Kai.

He didn't look injured, which was a good thing. What wasn't was how he didn't look like himself. His once bronze-colored eyes were now a blood red color that matched the red streaks along the front of his hair. He was shirtless but wore a leather jacket with spikes along the collar and cuffs. He paired it with black ripped jeans and leather boots. I had to admit, the biker-rock star vibe from his outfit looked good, but this wasn't Kai. Not my Kai. This was an imposter that Mordred created, Kai was acting as a puppet and Mordred was the marionette hidden away somewhere.

"Kai," I whispered his name in disbelief.

Kai smirked devilishly. "Hello, my love. Did you miss me?"

"Be careful, Rosie. He's likely under Mordred's control," Byron said, holding out his arm to stop me from moving to him.

"I already know. I can tell," I said.

Kao in his Lycan form whimpered at the sight of his twin. I could tell he wanted to go to him, but wisely stayed back, unsure of what was going to happen next. I didn't know either. I knew if Kai attacked, we'd have to fight back, but none of us wanted to hurt him. Neither of us wanted to kill him. But how do we break whatever spell that was affecting him?

Clearing my throat, I tried reasoning with him. "Kai, you need to listen to me, okay? Mordred has you under a spell. You must fight it."

Kai snorted before rolling his eyes. "Really? The power of love will break the spell? Come on, Your Majesty, this isn't the movies. You'll have to do better than that."
