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“You’re mine,” I said, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck.


“No, Colt.” I shook my head frantically, blinking to try and dislodge the tears there as they formed. “You’re mine,” I insisted.

“Whose else would I be, Riley girl? Who else was there for me? You were in my heart the minute you were born. I know that, now you do too.” He stroked the side of my face, his fingers lingering over the top of my cheekbone. “And I need to show you just how much.”

He stripped down then, working with a gratifying swiftness, and me, I was forced to watch every move until my Colt was there, naked and hard for me. My fingers went to his chest, feeling that warm flesh, feeling him, my mate. I could feel that now, and then I felt him. He grabbed my hips, dragging me closer, bending me backwards as he brushed his lips against mine, then took them as his own.

I burned for Colt, always, but before, it was a flickering thing, a little point of light in all this darkness, but not now. Him, he burned within me now, forcing something so hot to flare inside my chest, in my body, and he wouldn’t stop until I was on fire.

I was hoisted up into his arms and swept into the shower, the taps slapped on and cool water raining down upon us before I was slammed against the wall, the cool tiles a godsend on my overheated skin. I barely felt a fucking thing, though, because Colt’s lips were on mine.

This wasn’t kissing, it was devouring. We couldn’t seem to kiss fast enough, even with our preternatural power. I needed more, more, and Colt needed the same, until finally, we pulled away, panting.

“You’re mine, Riley girl. That’s what’s gonna happen now. I’m going to claim you, mark you, make you fucking mine.” He stepped in closer, pressing his forehead to mine. “I would’ve done it in the carpark that night, so the whole town could see—that’s why they whisked you away so damn fast. I would’ve made you mine, just like I’m gonna do now.”

Colt fell on me like a starving wolf, because what else was he? I was forced under the water, his hands the only means I had to be made clean because he wouldn’t tolerate anything else. He kissed my mouth until it was bruised, pulled away to leave little nipping bites along my neck that made my thighs slide wider. I needed his teeth, moaning something to that effect, and he chuckled in response, pulling back and grinning, showing me his fangs clearly in the artificial light.

“You’ll get them, my love. I’ll dig my fangs into your flesh as soon as you’re ready to take my cock, and you’ll do the same, right?” It was supposed to be a question, but it came out entirely as a statement of truth. “You’ll dig your teeth into my neck and mark me forever.”

I wanted to do that now, right fucking now, and a growl formed in my chest as a result. Instead, his hand went around my throat, pinning me to the wall as he dropped down lower. Nipping little bites made my nipples sting, only to be soothed away with slow, soft kisses that drove me fucking mad, my fingers digging into his hair until he relented. One hand wrapped around one breast, his thumb brushing over the nipple with deliberate emphasis, but his mouth? It closed around my other nipple, drawing it into him with long, slow sucks that just made the fire burn higher.

I felt swollen and heavy with pleasure as Colt fed from me, swallowing down my responses, but something else built inside me as he worked, my hands raking across his shoulders, scratching him up, marking him already, as it came. It wasn’t an orgasm precisely, though I kept up a litany of frantic little sounds as he ratcheted me up higher, my thighs rubbing together in response, wanting, needing that friction, but what came was something else altogether. Colt’s head jerked away, his nostrils flaring as it felt like something inside me burst.

Even in the shower, I felt a sudden wetness explode out of me, coating my thighs, coating me, and Colt looked at me like I was the most precious thing in the world.

“Your slick…” he said in a low growl.


“Your omega slick has come in.” The others clustered closer now, watching the two of us with rapt attention as Colt swiped his fingers up my thighs and then jammed them into his mouth, a low groan coming in response. “Fuck, baby, you’re ready for us.”


I was yanked out of the shower, but no one bothered to dry me, probably because my overheated skin was sucking up the moisture already. The guys moved as one, stripping everything extraneous off the bed before Colt laid me down on the smooth cotton sheets. He followed close behind, pushing his knees between my thighs, widening the space between them, the others groaning as he did.

“An omega is physically different to a beta,” Colt explained between kisses that worked their way down my body. “Your slick has changed now. It’s thicker.” He slid a finger along my seam, and it came away dripping, something he licked away with a grin. “There’s more of it to keep you lubricated as we take you, and it tells me something else.”

At first, he just played with me, letting his fingers trail featherlight through my folds, a ghost of the kind of caress I craved.


“I know. I know exactly what you need. I’m your alpha, and I can feel all of it.” His palm covered me possessively, claiming my cunt as his. “You ache deep inside.”


“You feel it clawing at you, a need to be filled.”

“Yes,” I said, shifting restlessly on the bed, his words seeming to conjure that need or just draw my attention to it.

“Because you feel more empty than you’ve ever felt before.”

My head jerked up as I felt exactly that, right as his fingers pushed ever so slightly deeper, hovering over the exact place I ached.

“An omega’s slick helps her to take an alpha’s knot,” Colt informed me, rising up to kiss my lips, even as his fingers brushed against my sodden cunt. “But when it first comes in? It tells him that she’s ready to accept him, that she needs him deep inside her, just as he aches to bury himself in her.”

I had questions, thoughts, and they tumbled around in a jumble inside my head, but Colt settled them all with his kiss, a slow drugging thing that seemed to settle me, right up until his fingers pushed in.

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