Page 44 of Deepest Obsession

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“Actually, I’d like to make a little deal with you, Hendricks.” Tristan’s grip tightens on my shoulder when I try to squirm away.

“What?” There’s nothing but disgust in Alexander’s voice as he glares daggers at Tristan.

“How about a little tennis? I’d love to whoop your ass in front of all your mother’s friends.”

Rolling his eyes, Xander steps forward. He’s a few inches taller than Tristan, but his intimidation tactics don’t seem to be working. “Or you could just fuck off.”

“Hear me out.” Tristan’s voice is dripping with mock friendliness, and it makes me shiver. “If I win, I get to take your pretty little girlfriend on a date. I’m sure I can show her a better time than you can. If I lose, I’ll leave this sorry excuse for a brunch so you can enjoy your morning in peace.”

Rage bubbles into my throat. “I’m not anyone’s pretty little girlfriend. And neither of you can throw me around like a fucking toy.” I stand to face Tristan head on, but he shoves me back down into my chair.

At that, Dominic stands, throwing his napkin on the table. But Xander moves first, ripping Tristan’s hand off me and twisting his arm behind his back.

“Touch her again, and you’ll regret it,” Alexander growls.

“Boys! What’s going on?” Everly’s voice cuts through the tension in the air. She comes to stand in front of Xander and Tristan, a frown on her face.

“Oh, I was just challenging Alex here to a friendly game of tennis. He didn’t seem too happy about it.” Tristan flashes her a charming smile as Xander releases him. “Probably afraid he’ll lose.”

“Oh, seriously, Alex? Just play the game. No need for things to get violent.”

Xander starts to protest, but Everly holds up her hand. “Go. It’ll be fun to see. I haven’t watched you play in quite some time.”

With a quick glance to me, Alexander storms off, Tristan following him.

Everly laughs, turning to everyone else. “Boys will be boys.”

I rub my shoulder. Tristan’s grip was hard and rough, and it’s a bit sore.

“Are you all right?” Dominic’s voice is quiet as he kneels next to me. His jaw is set, and I can see fury burning behind his eyes. But his touch is gentle as he puts a hand on my arm.

“Just pissed.” I shake my head. “Who the fuck does Tristan think he is? I’m not an object, and Xander doesn’t own me.”

“That’s not a concept misogynists can grasp,” Brooke says. The bitterness in her voice surprises me. My eyes follow her when she stands up and heads back up the stairs to the house.

Blaze stands, also watching her.

“Don’t you dare,” Dominic says. He catches his brother’s gaze, and they stare at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation.

When Blaze sits back down, his fists are clenched.

I move to the fence surrounding the tennis court, watching as Tristan serves. The ball bounces once before Xander hits it back, and I watch as it bounces in an unexpected direction. Tristan almost misses, but course corrects at the last possible section.

I bite my lip. Even if Tristan wins, I’m not going on a date with him. But I sure as hell still want him to lose.

Tristan scores the first point, and I can feel irritation creeping up inside of me.

Come on, Xander.

“So he’s back to you, huh?”

I tense at Vanessa’s voice. Of course. Why am I even surprised she was invited, too? “Excuse me?”

“Alex, of course.” She comes to stand next to me, her light perfume drifting to my nostrils. “You’re his latest whore.”

“I’m not a whore, Vanessa.”

She lets out a judgmental hum before waving at Xander and blowing him a kiss. “This is just what he does, honey. He plays with a girl for a few weeks, has her over for a couple weekends, and when he’s bored, he ghosts her.”

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