Page 35 of Deepest Obsession

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But a small part of me misses Alexander. Which sends me tumbling into a confusing swirl of thoughts.

Do I want him? Do I trust him?

Does he want me? And if so, just as a fling, or for forever?

What if he wants forever? Really wants it?

Is that what I want?

Underneath all my worry and fear, I think I do. But is that just because he’s good in bed? Because he held me while I fell asleep last night?

The part of me that’s still hurting and holding onto my last little bit of common sense says, He didn’t even give you a choice in coming here this weekend. Or in giving him a second chance.

But the other part of me? He said he doesn’t want to lose you again. And what about the way he looked at you this morning? He smiled. He held you. He kissed you with so much passion.

I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what to do. It’s like I’m being torn in two, and I don’t even have a say in how it happens.

Frustrated and exhausted, I dive back into my work for hours. Because no matter how much I need to figure out my shit with Xander, I can’t get behind on this book.



MY CHEST feels tight as we pull up to a familiar-looking mansion. “Vanessa? This is at Vanessa’s house?”

“Her parents’ home, yes.”

“You could’ve at least warned me,” I grumble, shooting him a glare across the back seat.

Alexander just shrugs, nodding to the driver as he slows to a stop by the front steps. “You’ll be fine, Soph.”

I roll my eyes as he gets out and walks around the car to get my door.

Vanessa Ellison was my worst enemy in high school. Not only did she constantly try to separate me from Alexander, but she had to make every aspect of my life hell. Our families were direct competitors with each other in most things: business, who got the spotlight, who had the more successful kid, etc. It was a constant battle for who could be more picture-perfect. And the family feud bled into my relationship with Vanessa.

When she won, she never let me hear the end of it. And she also couldn’t wait to get her hands on Alexander the second we were broken up.

He didn’t even try to stop her.

Jealousy flares in my stomach, and I accept Alexander’s hand stiffly when he helps me out of the car.

Before he even closes the door, he presses me into his body. My breath escapes me at the feeling of his hard muscles against my stomach.

“She’ll be here,” he says. “And I don’t give a single fuck. There isn’t room in my heart for anyone but you, Sophia. And if Vanessa doesn’t already know that, it’ll become clear tonight.”

“What do you mean she doesn’t already know?” I hate the vicious undertone of my voice.

Alexander hesitates, letting out a sigh. “What can I say? She’s relentless.”

Taking a deep breath, I pull away from Alexander, but my actions are in vain. Regardless of what’s happened—or hasn’t happened—between the two of them, now isn’t the time to show that I’m unhappy.

I have no desire to be paraded around in front of a whole bunch of people who witnessed my family’s fall from grace years ago. But I’ll be damned if it looks like Alexander and I are together but having problems, as well.

I don’t know what’s going to happen between Alexander and me. But the thought of seeing the look of quiet shock on Vanessa’s face when she realizes that he’s mine and only mine?

Yeah, I want to see that.

So I let Alexander kiss me lightly before taking his arm and heading up the stairs to the tall front doors.

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