Page 22 of Falling for Her

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Addison laughs, causing a small smile to flicker over my face.

“Normally I would agree, but what you did was kind of stupid. Your abusive ex is sending you threatening text messages and you decide to keep that to yourself? That’s kind of selfish.”

Was it? In the back of my mind, I always thought I was protecting him from the narcissistic drama, the incessant nonsense Steven always seems to spew when he knows I’m not listening.

“I don’t think it’s selfish,” I admit out loud.

“It is,” Addison says as I hear rustling before hearing a cabinet open and close in the background. “Hannah, Cash has been in love with you since you were teenagers, and I’m pretty sure you’ve been the same.”

I make a noise of agreement before she continues.

“He’s worried about you. He’s worried about losing you again.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Addi; I just needed some space to think.”

She takes a frustrated breath.

“I’m not talking about you walking out the door, Hannah. Cash would never let you leave like that again. That man would follow you to the ends of the earth if you did that.”

“Then what are you talking about?”

“I think he’s worried that Steven will do something drastic and take you away from him forever.”

I’m silent for a beat, wondering why Cash would be worried about that when I’ve told him so many times that I never intend to go back to him. But then it hits me, and it’s as if a cold ice bucket of water is dumped over my entire body. Killed. He’s worried I’ll be killed.

“Addison, that’s insane. Steven would never hurt me like that. He would lose all of his control over me if he did that. It seems counterproductive to his endgame. He just wants me back because his ego can’t handle it.”

We’re both silent as I continue to drive toward Addison’s house.

“I just think you need to remember just how much you mean to Cash and that the words were more a representation of his fear and not his love for you.”

As my eyes take in the road in front of me, something settles inside me and I know that Cash is mine forever. No matter what happens tonight, I need to make sure he knows just how much he means to me.

“I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. I was driving aimlessly all this time, so I’m just making my way to you from across town,” I say before I see a flash of light in front of my car.

I should have stayed with Cash.

I should have stayed inside that house with the man I loved with every piece of my heart.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I acted in anger. I ran from him as I did all those years ago. But now, watching as the headlights come crashing toward me, I wonder if I’ll ever get to tell him how much I actually love him.


It’s been an hour. An hour of me sitting on my couch, periodically looking at my front door and hoping Hannah walks through, smiling as if nothing happened. But of course, the longer I sit, the more anxious I become that I’ve just made the worst mistake of my life… again. How could I have let her walk out of here when I know her psychotic ex is out there somewhere, plotting some scheme to get her back? If it wasn’t for the threats I read on her phone, I wouldn’t be that worried. I know Hannah was meant for me. I know that deep inside my soul, but now that I know what’s going on in that sick head of his? I can’t stop picturing her dead on the side of the road.

I can’t believe I called her stupid. I fall back onto the couch, my head tilting back as I stare up at my ceiling. What happens if I pushed her away for good this time? What if she’s done and I’ve lost my chance once again? Before I can wallow in my own self-pity, my phone rings, my eyes flicking to it sitting on my coffee table. Addison’s name flashes on the screen and I ignore it, not having the energy to deal with her right now. I know she’s calling to talk about Drew and the blowout they had earlier tonight but right now I can’t handle her drama on top of my own.

The call ends, the vibrations stopping as I’m left in blissful silence. Not three seconds later, my phone goes off again, Addison’s name flashing on the screen and I groan as I pick it up.

“Addison, I don’t have time for your drama right now, okay?” I mutter before she even utters a word. I go to hang up but her screaming, panicked voice stops me cold.

“Cash! Something happened to Hannah.”

My entire body freezes, a chill racing up my spine as I slowly put the phone to my ear.

“Cash, you there?” she asks, her voice strained, her breathing ragged.

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