Page 16 of Falling for Her

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“I failed her,” Drew whispers, barely audible in the evening breeze.

“You didn’t fail her. She’s an adult. She can take care of herself.”

Drew peers up at Lucas who flinches back at the blazing anger in his friend’s gaze.

“An adult? She got pregnant by a guy she’s only been seeing… what? A few months? How is this going to be okay? How is any of this good fucking news?”

The fear flowing off him suffocates me as I take in the guilt written all over his face.

“Drew, talk to her. See what her plans are, and for god’s sake, be supportive. She needs that from you now more than ever, so tone down the holier than thou attitude for the time being,” Mark mutters before getting up and heading inside, probably off to find his brother who is probably cycling through a very different set of emotions.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Drew gets up and makes his way into the house, leaving Cash and me alone with Lucas as I sit back down on Cash’s lap.

“Well, that was intense,” I mutter, nestling farther into Cash and resting my head on his shoulder. “I feel horrible for her,” I whisper as Cash kisses the side of my head and then tilts his head back, looking up at the sky.

“She’s a big girl,” he admits, his voice forlorn and a little regretful. “I get where Drew is coming from. This situation isn’t ideal. I mean, none of us have even met this guy yet, so I understand why he’s nervous about this.”

Just as I’m about to say something, Drew comes back out with a defeated look on his face.

“She’s locked herself in the bathroom and won’t open the door, no matter how many times I’ve begged her.”

I give him a sympathetic smile as I get off Cash’s lap once more and head toward the house.

“Where are you going?” Cash asks, his eyes curious.

“I’m going to see if I can talk to Addison. She might need to talk to someone that she isn’t related to.”

His eyes soften, that sexy smile lighting up his face before I wink, heading into the house. The second the door closes behind me, Mark points toward the hallway, letting me know where I can find Addison.

I knock. No answer.

I knock again.

“Go away, Drew. I’m sick of hearing you yell at me.”

My heart sinks, knowing that yelling isn’t what she needs right now.

“Addison? It’s Hannah. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” I wait for an answer but nothing comes, so I continue. “I know your brother is kind of being an ass right now, but I’m here if you need to talk?” I wait a few more seconds and just when I take a breath and resign myself to the fact that she won’t open the door, it opens.

“Did he send you to talk to me?” she asks and I shake my head.

“No, he’s sitting outside wallowing in his own self-pity.”

She rolls her eyes and gestures for me to come in.

“Typical. Always making it about himself. You would think having a baby would put the spotlight on me for once in our goddamn lives.”

I chuckle, loving the fact that even in a time like this, she can still find that sarcasm deep inside her.

“Do you want the spotlight on you?” I question. “Because outside, it seemed like you wanted nothing to do with the attention.”

She sighs, plopping herself down on top of the closed toilet as I sit on the edge of the tub across from her.

“I planned to tell them all when I was ready. After Brendan got used to the idea and maybe after a few more weeks had passed. But the universe had other plans, I guess.” Her voice cracks, her shoulders beginning to shake and so I take her hands in mine, hoping to calm some of the nerves rolling around inside her. “All I ever wanted to do in life was make Drew proud. He’s taken care of me most of my life and he’s my everything. I would never have survived without him and now he’s looking at me as if I’m a completely different person. Like I’m a disappointment.” Her heaving breaths alert me to the panic attack that is well on its way, so I squeeze her hands, causing her eyes to rise to mine.

“Take a breath,” I whisper, breathing in and out, allowing her to follow.

After a few deep breaths in and out she begins to calm down and I know my only job right now is to reassure her in any way I can that everything is going to be okay. “You need to give him time. This is a shock, but eventually, he’ll come around.” Addison’s tear-filled eyes meet mine and I give her a reassuring smile.

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