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Meet me at O’Malley’s.

Jeremy’s text vibrates through my phone, and when I read it, I smirk. I know he's trying to be subtle, but in reality, I can see right through him. He knows I have a thing for Quinn O’Malley, and he knows I haven't made a move yet, so therefore, he thinks being in the same room will push me in that direction. And if I'm being honest with myself, I don't know how much longer I can stay away from her.

Like most people in this town, I’ve known of Quinn since we were kids. Although we grew up in different crowds—me being a few years older than her didn't help—I still noticed her. How could I not with her white-blond hair, those intense green eyes, the freckles that dust the bridge of her nose, and a body that’s haunted every fantasy I've had since I left for college? I knew back then that she was too young for me. I knew it would never work with me leaving for God knows how long, and I didn't want to do that to either of us. But now that I'm back, she's all I can think about, and according to my brother, I need to make a move before someone else comes along and steals her right from under me.

I make it to O’Malley’s in record time, and as I walk up to the front door, I notice that Jeremy is already outside waiting for me.

“What took you so long?” he mutters, opening the door for me as we walk through the dark green hallway adorned with images of the O’Malley family. Some are recent, like an image of her and her uncle when she took over the bar, and some are so old you can barely tell who they are or where the photo was taken. I assume they are from her family back in Ireland, but I could be wrong.

“Give me a break. I was across town finishing a meeting with a potential client.”

Jeremy rolls his eyes as if my job is a mere inconvenience to him when in fact, I know he's proud of what I've created from the ground up. Jeremy and I have always been opposites. He’s the businessman, the entrepreneur, and the money-hungry half of the Hunt brothers. Me? I’m more laid back, hate wearing suits, and couldn't picture myself living my life behind a desk. So I created a security company that combined my love of protecting people and meeting new faces. Jeremy has never admitted it, but I know he’s proud of everything I've accomplished, even if he acts as if I'm still his kid brother that constantly needs his help.

“Let's sit here,” Jer says, pointing at the booth directly across from the bar where I have a clear view of Quinn and her best friends.

I give him a look but say nothing because I know what he's doing, and as much as I want to berate him for being so obvious, I can't complain about the view.

Quinn looks fucking edible tonight with her tight black shirt that says O’Malley’s across her chest and her hair hanging loose around her shoulders. I seldom see her with her hair down since she loves to wear it in a bun on top of her head, but tonight is different, and I can't help but stare because she looks gorgeous.

“You know, if you continue to stare at the girl, she's going to think you're a creep,” Jer says as our server comes over, hands us our menus, and takes our drink order.

Once she leaves, I take one last look at the bar. When Quinn’s eyes meet mine, I take a deep breath, feeling the pressure in my chest that happens every time our eyes lock.

“Fuck, you are so far gone,” Jer mutters.

“What?” I ask, not hearing a word he just said.

Jer just laughs and shakes his head. “You know it might be a lot easier for all of us if you just went over there and talked to the girl.”

I've thought about it, and by that, I mean I've been obsessed over what to say to her for the past few weeks. “Thank you, Captain Obvious. I never thought of that.” The sarcasm drips from every word as he picks up his menu, and we lapse into silence.

I don't know why I haven't asked her out yet. It's very unlike me to be nervous around a woman. In high school, I always had a girlfriend. I wasn't a player by any means, but I had a few over the four years. College was another story, but my confidence never got in the way of me getting what I wanted. Yet sitting here, catching glances of Quinn as she works causes a stutter in my chest, and I know this scenario is different. She's different.

After we order our food, my eyes drift back to Quinn where she’s leaning over the bar talking to Andy. When I see that flash of pain in her eyes, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and the need to go over there and wrap my arms around her takes hold.

“Whatever is going on over there can't be good. That girl looks like she just found out her dog died,” Jer observes.

I shoot daggers at my brother because he still doesn't have a filter even after all these years.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” he asks.

I stay quiet, continuing to stare at this beautiful woman and wanting nothing more than to go over there and fix whatever put that look of desperation on her perfect face.

“You know you can talk to her, right? You don't need to sit here and stare at the poor girl like she's some kind of animal at the zoo.”

I know he's right, but I also know in my gut that right now isn't the time. So, I sit back, take one last look at Quinn, whose eyes flick briefly to mine, then return my attention to Jeremy.

“I know,” I mutter, taking a fry from my plate and placing it in my mouth.

Quinn O’Malley has been my dream since I was eighteen, and there is no way I can stay away from her. Not after seeing that look on her face. She doesn't know it yet, but I will do everything in my power to make sure she never gets that look on her face ever again.

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