Page 48 of Dangerous Secrets

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An arm links through mine and I know without looking that it's Sarah. "Let's go do this and then when it's over, let’s get drunk."

"God, yes," I breathe. One step at a time, one foot in front of the other. It's all I can do right now. I've buried this deep down and now it's finally coming to the surface. Having both Hudson and Sarah here for support means the world, I have someone to lean on, have someone who's going through the same.

As soon as I enter the church, I look around, no Mom. She didn't come. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. I'm deeply hurt that she's not here. I take my seat, Hudson and Sarah flanking either side of me. A tear falls and it's like the floodgates have opened, and they cascade down my face as I mouth the words I wish I could say to her.

I love you Lacey, I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.



One week later

“Mom, leave her alone,” I roll my eyes as I walk into the house.

She looks good, every time I see her, she looks happier. Each time I look at her or talk to her she seems better. No longer depressed, or allowing the past to get to her. She’s not living in my father’s shadow or focusing on me. She’s working on herself and its showing, she’s smiling, she finally has that twinkle in her eyes and I’m guessing it means she’s dating again.

“Oh hush you. I've been dying to meet Mia. You’ve finally brought her with you.” She holds Mia at arm’s length, giving her a once over. “You’re too skinny you need to eat. It’s a good thing I have food ready for you. Let’s get you some.”

Mia’s eyes widen as Mom grabs her arm and leads her into the house. I can’t help but smile, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mia as nervous as she is right now. She shouldn’t be worried, Dad loves her which surprised the crap out of me, and I didn’t think he was capable of loving anyone. Mom’s going to love her, because I do. It’s that simple.

My cell rings and I look down to see Jagger’s name flashing on the screen. What the hell is he calling me for? He’s meant to be spending time with Sarah and Allie. “I’ve got to take this,” I tell them and Mia immediately tenses as she does each time my phone rings.

“Go, Son, I’ve got our girl.” She assures me and I nod. She will, she’ll ensure she’s safe. Dad had Mom trained, he wanted to make sure that she knew how to protect me along with herself.

I walk back outside, knowing that Mia’s okay. “What’s up?”

“Boss, we’ve got a fucking problem,” he says through clenched teeth, a baby crying in the background

“Talk to me,” I demand. What the fuck has happened now?

He sighs, whatever is about to come out of his mouth isn’t good. Jagger always sighs when there’s bad news. It’s a tell he has, it also means I brace myself for what he’s about to say. “Aaron just called me. David's house has just been firebombed.”

“Shit. Anyone inside?” I ask, my mind immediately goes to Martin, would that fucker have done this? Of course he would have.

“His wife was inside. David is at hospital now with her. Boss, it's not looking good. Aaron said at least seventy percent of her body is burnt, she's barely breathing, and she's in a lot of pain. They don't reckon she's going to survive the night, and if she does it'll be touch and go whether her body can fight off an infection if she gets one, not to mention all the skin grafts she's going to have to have along with the surgeries. They're not optimistic at all.”

“Who?” I ask, even though I already know.

“Martin.” One word contains so much hate, and so much anger.

“How do you know it's him? Was it actually him, or is it someone else doing his dirty work?” I can’t believe this fucker is still one step ahead that he’s always still managing to screw with everyone around me.

“Yes it was him. One hundred percent. Seems as though he has no one left to do his dirty work. What the bastard didn’t know is that David had a new system put in. He wanted to ensure his family was safe. He caught that fucker on camera.”

Fuck! “Get every CCTV camera from around the area, I want to know what car he was driving and where the fuck he’s heading. This ends Jag, this ends real soon. I want that bastard six feet under.”

“We’re going to get him, Boss. He’s making mistakes now, too many.” The determination is clear to hear.

Yes he is, he got sloppy, he must have thought no one would talk. How wrong he was. Now he has no one to help him. The problem with being sloppy? You get reckless, and that means more deaths and more intensity. He’s not finished yet. I have no idea what his endgame is but I can hazard a guess… he wants me to die.

“He is and that means we have to be extra vigilant, we have to be alert. We have no idea what this fucker’s next play is. Spread the word, everyone is to be on alert. All family to be moved to a safe house. You know where.” We discussed this only yesterday, only me and Jagger know where to move the families. It’s the way it’s going to stay. Now my men have seen what Martin will do to their families, there’s no way they’d not send their families away to ensure their safety.

“The men have already been informed, all of them want Martin’s blood. He's lost the trust of all the men. There's no way they would believe that he is being set up, they've seen the evidence, all the men were at the hospital when David showed them the video…”

I cut him off. “Why wasn't I called beforehand?” I should have been informed as soon as it happened.

“Boss, that’s my fault. This is Mia’s chance at meeting your mom, you’re engaged now, Boss, I know this means a lot to Mia. The girl has been through enough, she just wants normality.”
