Page 85 of Good Girl

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“And what will you provide for me tonight if I come to dinner?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

“Some exquisite food, some polite conversation, an opportunity to show our beautiful mates off to the public. You might see them mostly in jeans and old footy uniforms, but both Bren and Rhys are really quite stunning in formal wear. They take my breath away.”


“And illumination. He said you wouldn’t be satisfied with the way things were, that you couldn’t just lie there and be a good little omega. The idea seemed completely ridiculous and utterly fascinating at the time, but now I see it. You want the truth, don’t you? All of it. Even the stuff you’re not aware of.”

“I want the details of your plan, Orion. You knew what your father had planned. How do I know you weren’t in on it?”

A rude snort at that, and then his tone twisted, becoming harsh and angry.

“You must feel like you’re all adrift, driven mad by us and our bullshit. That’s something I can appreciate, but my father? If I could wrap my hands around his neck, wring the fucking life out of the man who made me, and watch the moment the light went out in his eyes…well, I would, without a second thought. Marcus knows this, and so he manipulates us all to ensure that doesn’t happen. I’ll bring evidence of that tonight so you aren’t forced to just take my word for it.”

I blinked, my mates watching me carefully, trying to work out what the conversation was about, and that was the thing. Bait was being dangled before us, every single one of Orion’s words designed to reel us in, but could we afford to ignore its tempting wiggle?


“Seven-thirty pm sharp. And, Cyn?” I didn’t answer him, not willing to give anything else away. “If you let Brendan mark you, wear a collar. The part of me that is his mate, who loves him so fucking desperately that it hurts, wants that for him. But the other? The alpha that is clawing at my control, wanting to get in a car, break all the speed limits to get to you sooner, to claim you as I know I always should have? I can’t predict what he’ll do.”

“No biting. Got it. See you at seven-thirty.”

I tossed the phone down onto the bed, then turned to my men and filled them in.

“We’re playing right into his hands,” Brendan said, pacing back and forth as Rhys stuffed a bag full of clothes.

“Yeah, but it’ll be in public, in a fucking fancy part of town where he’d be too afraid of creating a scene to do much,” Rhys replied. “They know they have us over a barrel. Cyn’s right—we have to know.”

“And I’ve got to let my mum know what’s going on,” I said, looking at my phone.

“Tell her you won’t be home for a bit. We’re going into a hotel,” Rhys said. “You should grab some clothes, Bren, and anything we have of Cyn’s.”

“A hotel?” I asked.

“Weapons too. I’m not walking into that restaurant or any other situations less than fully armed,” Rhys continued, Bren nodding in response. “I always loved this place.” He glanced around the room. “Now I’m not coming back to it unless we all walk in that door together, a pack again. I dunno what Marcus is up to, so I’m not lying in a bed in a place he controls until I do. Stay with us, Cyn, in an adjoining suite or…” Both of them paused, staring at me, seeing, like I did, what exactly the alternative could be. Rhys shook his head. “Whatever that looks like to you. I need eyes on you. We also need some on Cyn’s house and her mum.”

“Already called in some favours.” I blinked at Brendan’s reply, but he just shrugged. “I wasn’t letting her just roam free while Orion’s fucking sperm donor has good reason to kill Miranda and take Cyn.”

“OK.” The word was out of my mouth without thinking, but on further consideration, it was the right one. “Just… No matter what happens, respect my boundaries. You guys have been apart, that might tip you over into rampancy again.” Their eyes found each other, heating noticeably. “If it does, you can work things out between you and I’ll stay in an adjoining room.”

“Whatever you need, love,” Rhys said, approaching me slowly enough that I could pull away if needed, smiling when I didn’t. He pulled me into the gentlest of hugs, and it felt like we slowly unfolded into each other. “Whatever it takes to keep you with us.”

Brendan sauntered over, looking at the two of us with a smug smile.

“I’ll just go grab my shit.”

“Nice…” Brendan said, throwing open the bedroom doors of the main suite. We’d managed to get a huge one with several rooms, which made the guys happier. One entrance, easy for them to secure, and enough space for people to retreat to if needed. But this? The bed was freaking massive, large enough to accommodate the three of us and friends.

Shit, I shouldn’t let myself have thoughts like that.

Rhys shot me a sidelong look, then smiled before strolling farther in. The guys might be respecting my boundaries, but they sure weren’t making the process easy. Brendan had sat down on the edge of the bed, bouncing to test the mattress, which drew Rhys closer. He looked freaking massive, those shoulders outlined by the window above the bed as he stood with his legs either side of Bren’s, tilting his mate’s head up to claim his mouth. And Rhys did, slowly and surely kissing him until the other man was groaning, wrapping his arms around Rhys’ waist until he winced.

“You need sleep, not sex,” Bren ordered, extricating himself. “You take a nap while Cyn and I go down to the gym and practise some knife fighting moves.”

“No. Shit, I mean yeah, I want that. To sleep, for Cyn to become a knife wielding dervish that can slice into any fucks that mess with her, but…” It was odd seeing such a big man fidget, Rhys finally blowing out a breath. “I need a rest. I’m fucking dead, but… Would you sleep with me?”

He didn’t specify who, which was significant. If I didn’t want to, the offer was for Bren, and vice versa.

“I haven’t slept a whole night through since you left and it’d help. A lot. Please.”

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