Page 59 of Good Girl

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“Open for me.”

The sentence was ground out, those blue eyes became my whole bloody world as our wills clashed. Part of me that was still conscious battled against this, knew my limits, wanted to fight what was the inevitable conclusion of this, but his gaze and fingers gave me no quarter.

“Open for me, omega. Let me in.”

He could have commanded me, whipped me with his will, forced my body to obey jerkily as I screamed inside my skull. There’d been plenty of news articles about shitty alphas mind raping the omegas they stumbled across, using the vulnerability of the heat to push them to accept

the knots of those they wouldn’t normally, but not Rhys. It came back to me for a second, a single moment of clarity in this fucking heat. He gave me that gift.

“Let me in.” He said that as he nipped at my lips, and they parted for him to admit his tongue. “Let me in,” he said, drawing his hand back to push in another finger, working them deeper and deeper to the sounds of my moans, until finally, he pulled them away.

My hand shot down, grabbing him by the wrist, wanting them, something, back inside me, soothing the aches. A cramp started almost as soon as he drew back, but it was quickly replaced. He mumbled nonsense words at me as the tiny sliver of a gap between us was closed, then he grabbed his cock by the base and put his hand on my sacrum, ready to drag me down.

“Let me in.”

The words were corded now, with pain, with need, with a much wider meaning I’d have to consider at length later, but not now. He asked me over and over again, as he brushed the head of his cock against my cunt, until finally, I nodded.

Every barrier, every boundary I’d spent a life building was collapsed in that moment. My consciousness might be battered by waves of desire, but fuck if I didn’t feel it the moment he pushed inside me. The nesting, the closed in room, the considerable courtship we were supposed to indulge in beforehand all made sense now. I’d let him in, all the way in, feeling him, who he was, the essence of Rhys, sink into me as I sunk down.

It was a struggle, my breath coming in rapid pants, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I worked him in deeper. He was so fucking big, but I couldn’t stop, rocking my hips up and down, back and forth, encouraging my body to do what my instincts dictated. But I wanted it, me, Cyn, going well beyond omega. I opened my eyes, stared into his, and then tightened my hands around his neck and began to move in earnest.

This was why he made me take this position. His body was a coiled spring, ready to unleash, but he wouldn’t, not until I had taken him fully. The movements of my hips became more jerky, more spasmodic, as what had been gut-wrenching cramps transformed into something else. My body rippled, that was the only way to describe it, a great wave washing through me, making me pant now from pleasure, not pain, as I sank down further, seeking more.

“That’s it, omega. You’re doing so well. You’re taking me deep.”

His pelvis flexed, stilling me as that stabbing motion transmuted into something glorious.

“Oh, alpha, Rhys, yes!” I babbled, our pace synchronising for several thrusts until he moved us, laying me back down in the nest. He pulled out, way too far, making my claws rake along his back, while he chuckled in response before slamming back in. I cried out in sheer fucking joy then, the speed picking up, the gaps between his strokes getting shorter and shorter.

“You need to knot her, Rhys.” Marcus stood there, looking for all the world like an impassive figure, but he couldn’t hide it now. The sharp-toothed little omega that had risen could see past the crossed arms and the cool expression, caught the moment the sweat trickled down the side of his face, the restive shift of his feet.

“Omega, you need to choose,” Rhys ground out, eyes on me. “I’ll give you my knot, I’ll give you whatever the fuck you want. Everything, everything is yours.” He stopped, pushed in deep and about to go deeper, an enormous pressure forced against me, but not inside. He wouldn’t go any further, even as my body parted instinctively, muscles shifting, ligaments loosening, readying to take him.

“Rhys, you need to—” Marcus started again.

“I know what I need. I feel it fucking here, throbbing. I want to be in her, deeper than I’ve been in anyone, and I want to still be there when my knot’s softened and I’ve pulled out. Tell me, omega. Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you. I’m your alpha. It’s all I’m made to do. To serve my mates, give them everything I’ve got, and I want you to be a part of that. I’ll give you everything, sweetheart. Every—”

His voice choked off as I made my decision. It didn’t feel like it was, every damn part of me was on a track and we knew where this was going. We were conscious of other directions to take, but there was no serious consideration of that. There was only this. My eyes stared into his, unable to look away for a second as my pelvic bones flexed, the resulting wave of pleasure so intense, my vision went white, but as it all slowly filtered back, there was him.

His mouth on mine, messy and hungry, his hands in my hair as he rocked me through the most mind-blowing experience of my life.

I soared, higher and higher, until a bliss that was almost frightening in its intensity crashed over me. But everything that goes up, has to come down. I did, crashing back, every fucking clench of my body, wave of pleasure, every scream dragging me back down to earth.

To him.

“I’ve got you, Cyn. I’ve got you.” He sobbed the words out, mouth to mouth, the smallest gap too much to bear. “I’ve got you.”

Chapter 23


I shifted within the constraints of his embrace, his arms locked around me as tightly as his knot. Had I ever said his name this much before? I couldn’t stop saying it. I liked the way it rolled on my tongue, the sound of it in my ear.

“Looks like someone’s a bit knot drunk.”

Brendan moved closer, slowly and carefully. Rhys spared him a brief sidelong look, but his focus snapped back to me, always me. He smiled so sweetly as he nudged my chin up, running his lips up and down my neck, making me squirm. Well, as much as I could do anything right now.

We were locked together, the feeling so different now. All the pesky human consciousness that was on a constant hamster wheel of thinking, querying, worrying, considering had been shoved to one side, and there was only this—a contentment and satisfaction so deep, I couldn’t find its edges. Instead, I dove into it, the final surrender of an omega, but really, it was Cyn’s. I pulled away from Rhys’ questing lips and teeth and met his eyes without pain. Now the pain came from looking away. I needed to see him and be seen, and his gaze found mine without a second thought.

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