Page 82 of As You Wish

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I pulled away with a pop, placing a couple of kisses on his aching head. “You don’t have to. Just go with it, just come.” I swallowed his dick, increasing my pace, his breath coming in short, hard pants, his hips jerking in time. I could feel the shaft of his cock begin to swell further as his pants became sobs. His fingers tangled lightly in my hair and then he stopped. I swallowed his cum down as his cock jerked in my mouth, his moans filling the air.


My eyes snapped open the morning of the war games and I jumped out of bed, or at least that was the plan. Flea and I lay together in a tangle of limbs and bedding. I tried to wriggle out, holding back a rising wave of frustration. Of course we were enmeshed, we’d had sex a few times last night, then passed out from exhaustion. I finally fought my way free, landing with a flump on the floor. I collected myself quickly, getting to my feet and striding to the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror, noting the bags under my eyes. You’re a star, you’re a star, you’re a great big star, I told myself. See the jump, be the jump. Feel the fear and do it, anyway. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Everything happens for a reason. Live, laugh, love.

What is the twaddle you are blithering? Miazydar said. Why you would want to be a flaming ball of gas, I don’t know. You can’t ‘be’ a verb, it describes an action. Trauma doesn’t guarantee a rise in physical or mental strength. The next is purely an apologia for structural inequities and I would rather you survived, survived, survived. You got plenty of ‘loving’ last night when really you should’ve been sleeping and laughing is the thing we’ll do when we finally leave this repellent cesspit. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is a foregone conclusion unless you’re thinking of riding out of here, guns a-blazing?


So what are you doing then?

Trying to psych myself up. I’m pretty sure that’s what sportspeople and performers do before a performance. That and vomit.

If you’re looking for an inspirational quote to carry you through the day and rally your spirits, why not use this? Don’t let the machinations of an inbred monarch, kept in power by a misplaced sense of tradition and a vast bureaucracy, who maintains a base built on the suffering and exploitation of dragon and humankind alike, prevent you from achieving your goals. Show them you can’t be crushed by all of their petty attempts to bow you.

So don’t let the turkeys keep you down?

Well, if you wish to trade meaning for brevity, then I guess that’s an adequate translation.

I’ve got to get ready, I said, hearing the alarm go off. How’s things going with you? Any closer to getting your end in?

If you mean mate with the queen? It will happen today. It’s why I contacted you. All male dragons in the vicinity will be distracted and when she becomes receptive, they will all want to be nearby.

So you’re telling me I can’t rely on my pickups. The thought made my stomach lurch.

Exactly. They’ve moved us further away than was indicated. Don’t worry, I’ll be there if anything happens.


Nothing will stop me, my heart, nothing. Now, there are men running around here for some reason and I would prefer to try and gather what intelligence I can. We’re in the midst of the enemy’s camp, the Queen of this land is infinitely more subtle and cruel than that clumsy dolt, Bhechro. We must keep our eyes open.

Will do. I need to get to the breakfast so I’ve got something to throw up later.

Good luck and regurgitate food in peace.

When I walked out of the shower dressed in the new teal riding suit that had been delivered last night I found Flea, Jez and Scalla standing to either side of the doorway like sentries.

“Morning,” I said and they were quiet for a moment. My head turned to look at one, then the other, then finally Scalla spoke.

“You’ll be fine. We’ll be watching the whole thing,” she said.

“You got tickets?”

“In the Queen’s box of all things,” Jez said. “Usually I like to get to know a girl before I get in her box and watch my friend nearly kill herself over and over, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

“Those riders who took your fancy might be there,” I teased.

“Oh, those guys are several fucks ago, but there was this lovely trio in the barracks. One had the most wicked —”

“I’m not walking to my death with an uncomfortable mental image of your sexual exploits in my mind,” I said, holding up a hand.

“Spoilsport. Now you’re going to have to survive because there was this girl who—”

“No fuckey fuckeys,” I said clapping my hand over her mouth. Her eyes went wide and then she went limp with an exaggerated submissive expression. She started thrusting her hips and grunting against my hand until I yanked her in close, surprising her into stillness with a hug. This could be the last time you hold your friend, my brain supplied helpfully. You could be a smear on the sand, with no more sense than a lemming.

You also have friends who love you, friends who are ready to rush to your aid, friends who have wings, I replied. Yep, I was already talking to myself and my feet hadn’t even left the ground yet.

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