Page 70 of Survivor

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My cunt twitched at that, remembering just how good he was at that.


“Hey, stop bogarting the babe,” Aidan’s voice broke in. I turned within the cage of Peter’s arms and saw him watching us with a mixture of heat and amusement. “C’mere.” He wiggled his fingers, gesturing me closer. I gave Peter one last kiss and then ducked under his arm and into Aidan’s. “Hey,” he said, just cradling me there for the moment.


“How you doing with all of this? You OK?”

He was sw

eet, really he was, but I wasn’t sure when the last time I’d felt this alive was. My every nerve was throbbing in time with my heart, which beat for them.

I answered with a kiss that started out slow, just wanting to feel the press of his lips against mine, feeling Aidan. But the pulse that throbbed inside me wouldn’t let that be. It began with sucking his bottom lip, then letting it go to tease his mouth open with my tongue, his joining mine seconds later. It wasn’t until our kiss got open mouthed and hungry, teeth abrading each other’s lips, that he pulled back.

“Fuck…” he said, catching his breath. “I thought I knew what I was getting with this, but I had no fucking idea.” His fingers trailed along my bare forearm. “Stroking one out in your room in rapid succession is nothing compared to this.”

I smiled, liking his reverent tone very much, the way his breath came faster when I started unsnapping the buttons on his shirt even more, but he stopped me when I got to the bottom one, forcing me to pause when I went to push my hand in and against his chest.

“I want you to touch me everywhere, as I’m intending to do the same with you, but what about your boy there?” He turned me around to face a restless Sen, who paced the floor, his fists balled tight. “He’s looking wound pretty up right about now. What are you gonna do about it?”

“Always thinking of everyone else,” I said, looking over my shoulder. “Maybe I want you to pull my jeans down, bend me over the bed and fuck me? What about that?”

He growled against my shoulder, digging his teeth in slightly.

“If you had any idea how much I want to do that, you wouldn’t say that.”

“Yes, I would.”

The words were out before I could think twice, but he just chuckled, a low, dirty sound. He tugged me back hard against him, rubbing his jeans clad lump against my arse.

“Yeah, you probably would in your current mood, but we usually keep dominance fucks for when someone’s misbehaving.”

“Dominance fucks?”

“It’s when you fuck members of your pack to show another member just what he’s missing or when he’s messing up. Now, before my control is completely shredded by your fucking scent, what are we doing with Sen? Do you want him? Want to touch him? Want him to watch? You haven’t done much…”

Aidan’s voice trailed off when I walked away, his words directing my focus. Now all I could see was the dark man, my eyes scanning his t-shirt for hints of the body as I moved closer, only to remember I could see it, all of it. My hand went to the hem, fingers pushing up until I felt the hot skin underneath it. I looked up into those grey eyes, watching my every move, waiting for permission.

“What do you want, Flick?” he said.

I jerked back at his comment, though his hand covered mine, stopping me from going too far. I frowned, looking down at our hands, feeling those same hot, hot waves of pleasure rushing over me. It was like his mouth and hands were already in all the places I wanted them, which made me wonder what it would feel like when they were. But his words…

His smile came and went in seconds as he continued to stare.

“We don’t know each other yet. I wanted time, to try and…” His eyes dropped to where my fingers wriggled, unable to stop from stroking the small square of him I’d been allocated. “I like to know what my lovers want, what they need. I like to talk through things.”


“Because I like to control things. I’ll want to take over sometimes and direct you all in ways that’ll just make you come that much harder, but I can’t do that if I don’t know what you want. Tell me what you thought about yesterday in the mess. What did you see in your mind?”

His other hand went to my chin, lightly rubbing his thumb against it, but with that caress, he kept me from looking away.


“You OK?” Aidan asked, coming up behind me to stroke my shoulders and sides. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

It was then I realised how a pack worked. In some ways, it gave people more freedom to be who they were without having to be everything to one person. Aidan was always going to be a caregiver, and Peter would be my gentle rock of strength, but… It felt disloyal to even think it, as I could see we would rub along fine, a nice unit of sweet and loving support. A family, in other words.

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