Page 40 of Survivor

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I couldn’t formulate any other response. A part of me that had been beaten down and almost extinguished roared up and out through my body as I got to experience the singular pleasure of being caressed by two men simultaneously. I felt like I was strung out tight between my clit and my nipples, each aching and throbbing with a truly incredible pleasure, one that had me twitching uncontrollably.

I remembered this. Not this exactly of course, but this feeling of being swamped by intense sensation, of being completely and utterly in your body. I gave in to their expert hands, letting them drag me higher and higher, until I knew I needed more.

I ached deep inside, something only one of them could satisfy. Aidan panted, catching his breath when he drew away, his face and beard smeared with my juices. His eyes went wide when I grabbed his hips and drew him forward.

“Wait…Flick, I was gonna—unh!”

The big blunt head of his dick slid through my sodden seam like a knife through butter. I just worked it back and forth, all words falling away, unneeded.

“You sure?” Aidan finally ground out, stabbing forward, giving me a taste of what was to come. Our eyes flicked up to where Peter lay. He smiled, as if

pleased that we’d ask him.

“Are you ready?” was his answer.

Was I? I felt comfortable with both of them, felt the need to connect with them like my heartbeat. Of course, stopping allowed a million questions to rise up. Are they really into me? Would this last? What would Kade do if we split up? What would I do? What would this mean for our relationship?

It’ll be the same as always, but with more mating and perhaps more cubs, my Tirian replied in her customary dry tone.

I snorted at that, something that probably wasn’t what the guys wanted to hear, but I flipped over onto my hands and knees, Aidan’s hands landing on my hips, even as I heard sounds of concern from him.

“Flick, we—”

“We’re going to do this together,” I finished for him. “Peter…” I patted the bed in front of me. He was going to argue, I could see it, but this was what I wanted. And he wanted it too. I could see his rigid length pulled up hard against his belly. We all wanted this, if they could just trust me. “I’m not doing this without you, and I need Aidan inside me, like…now, so get your arse over here.”

His smile was a tentative thing that grew bolder as he shuffled under me. Feeling him, his weight, his warmth with Aidan’s at my back, helped relax any remaining tension. I closed my eyes and did what Ophelia kept telling me to do—take a deep breath, and tap into what I was feeling.

There was something scarily decadent about all of this. My mind had been caught up doing so much mental work for my relationship with Rick, to manage the house, Kade, our lives, all to try and appease him. Then there was the usual failure, no matter how hard I tried, and then the completely unaided recovery from that, because Kade needed me. But right now, no one needed me to do anything but enjoy. Our phones were on the bedside table, each of our numbers with the teacher in case Kade was showing any signs of distress. This was all about pleasure.

"Babe, I hope you’re sure about this, because I’m dying to get inside you,” Aidan growled.

I loved that—the need, want, desire. I loved that he saw me as something else altogether. Not Felicity, to him I was Flick, not a victim, not even a survivor, but a whole person all in herself.

“I want you too,” I said, looking over my shoulder. “Both of you.”

Peter leaned forward and cupped my chin before kissing me deeply, right as Aidan worked himself inside me.

“Oh fuck…” I panted against Peter’s lips. “Oh god…”

“You’re OK, love. So fucking beautiful.”

Yeah, I was. When my eyes flicked open, I knew from the reflection in Peter’s brown ones that they were bright green, his beginning to shine with an answering glow. I dared him to protest as I reached down and took his cock in my hand. My mouth burned with that acidic saliva, a drop falling onto the head of his cock. He shivered and then let out a godawful roar when I covered the head with my lips.

To an idle observer, perhaps they would see me as subservient, subject to both the men’s gratification, but they would have no idea. I was the conduit that joined the lot of us together as a pack. I was the centre of their pleasure and mine, their world. Each of us had been lost and lonely in different ways. Even Aidan, with his easy-going personality, didn’t seem to be really connected to anyone other than family, but that was over now. In some ways, this act was a perfect illustration of our relationship.

Aidan might be slamming in, his thick shaft dragging along that sensitive bundle of nerves inside me, my legs spreading to let him go deeper while I worked as much of Peter’s cock down my throat as I could, but that was superficial. Something else rose as we galloped, faster and faster towards that end goal, something that took me a while to recognise.

Back before I’d been brutalised into a whole other thing, I carried around a fragile little light inside me. Like most women, particularly young women, a lot of things seemed to threaten to smother that—lack of equality, opportunities, bullshit expectations, trying to find your place in a world that seemed determined to maintain limited options, except for doubts. Always the doubts, a habit I still retained. Am I good or pretty or funny or cute or loveable or smart or hardworking or talented or whatever enough? The guys didn’t take any of that away, they just stripped away some of the bullshit that had kept the fire inside me from flaring to life, like it did now.

I burned with everything I was and was connected to. Weirdly, right as we were having sex, my love for my child swelled up and filled my heart to overflowing. Those little fingers, restless as I held his hand when we crossed the road, ready for independence. Those long legs, running towards everything—friends, school, the pack, even in the face of what he’d gone through. That crazy smile, that chaotic laugh as he told me yet another weird little kid joke, cracking up before he could get the whole thing out. The complete focus on his face as he told himself the stories he was creating in his head with his action figures, complete with pew pew gun battles. I loved him so much, and whatever fire inside me burned brighter in response, then flared outwards.

Strong hands bringing me tea or coffee in bed, massaging my shoulders or my feet, or stroking my hair. Conversations about Star Wars or what to have for dinner or just the quiet between them. Holding me when every part of myself ached, inside and out, and continuing to hold until now. I would never forget what had happened to Kade and I, but right now, I had incontrovertible evidence that we were so much more.

We were pack.

I told you, my Tirian said.

Shut up, I replied, right as my body tensed, and then I came. I pulled them with me, three strands of pleasure winding tighter and tighter around each other, until we erupted. I fluttered around Aidan as his cum jetted inside me, while I swallowed down Peter’s.

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