Page 37 of Survivor

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“Really?” Ophelia said, leaning forward. “What’s brought this on?”

“I’ve been here for over a month now,” I ploughed on. This was not what I’d come here to say, but I couldn’t fess up to being terrified about going into a sexual frenzy in front of a bunch of grandmothers. “I hang around the house with the guys, look after Kade…” I felt a thrill as I realised what this would mean once he went to school—the house empty for seven hours a day. In my mind, the bedroom door opened and there were the three of us tangled up in… “I feel like I should be contributing, especially as Kade’s gonna start school soon.”

“One doesn’t interrupt the alpha for a job application,” one woman said, leaning forward. She smiled, something all-knowing and sly at the same time. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she looked me over. “Someone’s been talking to you about the full moon.”

“This isn’t you trying to avoid intimacy?” Ophelia asked.

“No,” I said, shaking my head definitively. “Things are…progressing there still.” All the women’s attention sharpened at that. “Um…I found out why he’s called Monster and why he didn’t want me…” Fuck, this was like an inquisition rather than therapy.

“Still carrying that idea around, is he?” a woman with close-cropped grey hair shook her head. “I’m Daphne, one of Peter’s grandmothers. I… I’ve kept my distance since his fathers died, but it appears I need to get more involved.”

“We told you…” several women said.

“Lois didn’t want anyone interfering,” another woman said. “I’m his maternal grandmother,” she explained. She eyed the women around the table. “My daughter…hasn’t been right since her husbands died, and poor Peter has borne the brunt of it, I think. We’ll talk to him.”

“Whoa, whoa!” I said holding up my hands. “With all due respect, ladies, I think I have this handled.” I snickered involuntarily as I had indeed handled it, then looked up guiltily when I realised I’d been laughing at my own dick joke.

“Your beast is rising,” the hazel eyed woman said with a satisfied nod. “I’m Rhoda, and many of my grandsons are similarly gifted. You should speak to Jules. Her Aaron is one of mine, and she worked her way around it.”

“Right,” I said. Jules had been the nice woman I’d met when I came here, but I didn’t think we were at the ‘compare dick size’ stage of a friendship.

“Put her in the single mess,” another woman said. “She needs to start meeting the unmated men before the moon rises, and that affords her some protection.”

“I’ll have Finn lay down the law with the men,” Ophelia said. “Make sure they understand that the usual hijinks do not apply. Like those miscreants, Darren and Brett.”

There was a chorus of censorious noises at that.

“Making comments like that in the married mess. Not done,” one said with a disapproving tut.

“I’ve let them know they are on their last warning,” Ophelia said. “Though we do need to discuss what to do with them if they do reach the point of exile. Sending them through the gate is less politically palatable than it was.”

“Just need the hand of a good woman to pull them into line. Look at what Jules did with your Jack.”

Ophelia nodded at that.

“Perhaps we can see what those women from Leifgart could do with them? They need mates.”

“OK,” I said, having no idea about most of what they were talking about, “so the job?”

“Report to the head of the kitchen once Kade has been dropped off at school,” she said. “I’ll let you know which days they need you.”

“I think a structured meet and greet would be the best way to introduce the Leifgart women to the single men. This sudden influx of unattached women and little chance to compete for their hands is creating unrest amongst the men,” Daphne said.

“Finn is reporting the same,” Ophelia said. “Well, we’re running out of time, with only a bit over a week until the full moon. Let's set up something for Friday. Speak to your families, have them nominate a single male member for inclusion. One only.” She held up a finger to emphasise the point when most women began to speak at once. “Too many will be overwhelming. We’ll need some families to look after the children as well.”

“Jules should spearhead that,” Rhoda said. “She was their first point of contact and has the best relationship with them. Though word is Flick has an in with their leader.”

“Um…what?” I said, straightening in my chair.

“You struck up a conversation with Arelia?”

“Um…yeah, like half an hour ago. How did you…” My voice fell away as the lot of them smiled and looked down the table at me.

“Arelia and her kin came to Sanctuary much as you did,” Ophelia said, her eyes warm. “They fled men who would rule them and tear them apart. Now they struggle to put the pieces back together.” I thought of the shadows I’d seen in the other woman’s eyes at the playground, ones I was well acquainted with. “You seek a purpose. Perhaps that’s somewhere you can help?”

When I swallowed, I felt a great lump shift in my throat, threatening to choke me. Help someone? I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water as it was.

Barely? my Tirian snorted. You dealt with your mate with aplomb. Do you not wish to help others achieve the same levels of satisfaction?

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