Page 28 of Survivor

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“They did,” I said, my focus back on my son, and Aidan pulled his hand away so I could eat in peace. “But you need to have something healthy as well.”

This earned me a long-suffering look, but I wasn't his focus for long.

“Who are you?” he asked Sen.


“It’s OK. I'm Sen. I came over to get to know your mum and you. You’re Kade, right?” He nodded. “You were playing with one of my little brothers. You know Johnny?”

“He’s real tall and likes Mila.”

Sen smiled at that. “Sounds about right.”

“So you want to take Mum out for a date? Bring her flowers and take her to the movies?”

Those grey eyes slid to me.

“I’d like that very much.”

“If she says yes,” I watched my son get to his feet, a queer power thrumming through his little body, “you better be nice to her. You hurt her? Peter will bash you.”

As one, both men sat forward, arms resting on the table, as if to support what my son had said.

“You’ve got a pack started, huh?” Sen nodded, pushing his food around with his fork. “I can respect that. And no bashings needed. No man here’s gonna hurt you or your mum. Anyone who does that gets sent away. I’d just like the chance to get to know the both of you.”

“OK,” Kade replied with a nod. “Do you like Star Wars?”

“I liked it when I was a kid.” I saw Kade frown at this. “Now I’m more a fan of the MCU movies. How about you?”

“Mum won’t let me watch those movies. Says they’re too old for me.” Kade looked at Sen speculatively. “Would you let me watch them?”

“Can’t go against your mum,” he said with a shake of his head, then shot me a wink. “Mum’s are always the boss.” He smiled as Kade slumped dramatically. “But there’s plenty of animated Marvel series. I think we still have some on DVD. What about that? Would that work?”

The man watched Kade consider it with amusement, but seemed relieved when he finally nodded.

“You can come over and watch with me and Aidan,” Kade declared.

“C’mon, Kade, we better get you something with dietary fibre,” Peter said, getting to his feet, Aidan following suit.

“You just want me out of the way so Sen can talk to Mum on his own.”

“Busted,” Aidan said, steering him towards the buffet.

“Nice little pack you got going,” Sen said, watching them go. “You wanting to add to it?”

Did I? That question had so many permutations, it dizzied me.

“I…” I put my fork down and rubbed my face. “I got out of an abusive relationship only a few weeks ago. I’m still working out what I want.”

“Makes sense,” he said with a nod. “You’d have to know the matriarchs circulated that information. Would coming over there and sitting next to you be too much?”


“Why don’t you try it? See what you think, then if it makes you uncomfortable, you send me on my way.”

He sounded so reasonable, I found myself nodding along, then tracking his movements as he walked around the table. He pushed his plate towards mine, then straddled the bench seat, his knee almost touching my leg. He leaned on the table, picking up his fork and spearing a piece of bacon on it.

I just stared.

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