Page 45 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“No, you’ll shoot him!” Jack said when Aaron lifted his gun.

“Get back, princess,” Slade said, lifting up a fallen stone bannister and striding over to the two of them. The wolf didn’t see him coming, too caught up in its own bloodlust. He swung the chunk of rock, connecting with the beast’s head and sending it flying.

I dodged between the guys, running forward as they shouted, and grabbed Hawk’s shirt to drag him back to the stairs.

“Come on, you fuck,” Slade snarled. “You want a piece? Take it from me.”

I wanted to watch, see what happened, make sure my mate was OK. I cursed his fucking bravery under my breath, but my eyes jerked down to Hawk.

“Fuck…” he said, his voice starting to waver. “That doesn’t look good.”

He was right. The wolf hadn’t hit a major vein or anything, but blood was running in rivulets down his arm. I just looked at it blankly for a moment, seeing the blood and him and that he was hurt and knowing I needed to do something soon, but unable to make my body move.

This was my Hawk. I listened to his breath come in rapid, irregular pants, saw his eyes widen in ways I’d never seen before. His hand shook as he held the injured flesh away from him, his eyes tracking the drops of blood as they fell to the ground. He was always such a big strong figure, my mind fought to digest the fact he was indeed able to be hurt just like anyone else.

“Fucking move!” Jack snapped, pushing me to one side, getting his shirt off in one second and wrapping it tight around Hawk’s arm with the next. His face bleached white when he saw how quickly the blood seeped through. “Gotta stop the bleeding. Gotta make it better,” he muttered, yanking the fabric tighter, flinching when he heard his mate groan. “It’s alright, love,” he said, bending down and placing his forehead on Hawk’s. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I sat there, watching the two of them and wanting to move away. They were mates now, you could see it in every line of their bodies, and while I was accepting of that, right now, I’d never felt so far on the outer edge. Jack shouldering me to one side stung, even though I knew he was right to do it. I was just sitting there like a stunned fucking mullet. But watching Hawk’s hands tremble as they tangled in Jack’s hair, his lips going to the other man’s, I’d never felt less like they were members of my pack, which made me feel worse. I pushed those feelings away. This was not about me.

No, it’s about your pack. Reach out.

This is their time. They need—

Reach out, my Tirian insisted.

My hand landed on Jack’s shoulder without thinking, and it all rushed in. Desperately chaotic emotions careened through me with little thought, smashing through my emotional landscape and filling me with flashes of anger and frustration and desperation and relief and guilt, but mostly fear.

This is the core of Jack, I thought.

The mouthy one is a cornered beast. He is always ready to fight to the death. His mate has not improved this. He now has more to lose, she replied.

I sat there, feeling the warm weight of my lover’s shoulder, feeling the muscles tense as he looked out across Hawk and saw where the guys were fighting off the remaining wolf. They wound further, tighter when they saw the green lights appear in the darkness of the portal, as Sylvan was still mumbling the words to the song, keeping the crystal glowing. Jack shook my hand off, got to his feet, snatched up a gun, and drove the butt into the back of the seer’s head, dropping him like a stone. Immediately, the crystal dimmed and the portal wavered, then closed. The guys yelled at him as he looked down the barrel of the sight. They had some sort of plan, but Jack was not to be dissuaded. He fired one shot after another, caring little for anyone else that was in the room.

“Fucking stop, Jack!” Aaron shouted, barrelling across the room, ready to put him down. The wolf capitalised on the distraction, phasing to shadow and passing through everyone to leap at Jack.


Finn’s voice carried with it the momentum of a glacier shearing, the sound of the earth breaking apart during an earthquake. This was a true alpha voice, something you could no more argue with than you could the wind. Everyone in the room froze at the sound of it, unable to do little more than breath and move their eyes. His will beat down upon us, a huge and terrible thing, forcing all independent thought from our minds. We were merely offshoots of him.

Including the wolf. It fell like a stone to the ground, and Finn stepped forward and said, “Stay corporeal,” before shooting a bullet into its skull. He then surveyed what he had done, his grey eyes blazing. He blinked, shaking his head slightly as he looked around, the crystal having flared brighter behind him. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice much softer now, but we all felt it, deep inside, that wrench of regret and shame. “Let’s see to Hawk.”

And then everyone moved.

“I’m going for the med kit and Smithy,” Brandon said.

“Good idea,” Finn said with a nod.

Suddenly, they were all clustered around us, inspecting the wound and the blood flow until Jack shouldered his way in.

“How’re you doing, love?” he said, cradling the man’s head in his lap.

“Pretty fucked,” Hawk replied. “Not sure if a beer’s gonna fix this one. The fucking bastard got me good.”

“It’ll be OK,” Jack said, and I heard the tears in his voice as he swallowed madly to try and contain them. “I won’t let it be anything else.”

He might be fear, but Jack was also love. I could see that formalising their mate bond had done that, had given him something to push past that cage of anxiety he was locked into, allowing this Jack to come out sometimes. I shook my head. He was my pack, Hawk was my pack, and they were hurting, so I reached out and placed a hand on his arm. Just as I had done with Finn back at the alpha’s residence, I paid little attention to the torrent of emotions that came and pushed out my own.

I hammered Jack with a million tiny memories, of Jack holding Hawk’s hand, loose and cradled within his, of passing him a beer and watching that full mouth drink from it. Of shoving each other in fun, of a thousand laughs and jokes and jibes. Of grumpy faced Jack being cheered by Hawk with a touch when he’d just woken up. Of holding him and loving him, of that moment when Hawk held him in his arms, tender as a child, and bit down into his lover’s muscle and made him his.

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